a quick internet query turned this up: https://deervo.itch.io/diskclick. it includes a file for a "1984 quantum q540" and a "quantum bigfoot 2110at" and several others.
The clicking noises are great. Ehat isn't great is the random thumping from my external drive on my desk which throws it's noise weirdly and makes it sould like someone is knocking on my walls at 2AM.
I have so much nostalgia for the little clicking noises hard drives used to make.
I wish I could make my PC sound exactly like the Quantum hard drive in the Power Macintosh we had growing up.
a quick internet query turned this up: https://deervo.itch.io/diskclick. it includes a file for a "1984 quantum q540" and a "quantum bigfoot 2110at" and several others.
The clicking noises are great. Ehat isn't great is the random thumping from my external drive on my desk which throws it's noise weirdly and makes it sould like someone is knocking on my walls at 2AM.