and Ted Kzhazvyinskiy too I guess.

    • Sbebg [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Technology created by people is the problem. How can you look at depression caused by social media and say no it’s not the device that’s doing it it’s capitalism. One day Technology will surpass the need for us as well. There’s nothing wrong with that in my opinion but until that point technology we create is what is killing our planet and ruining our quality of life when you look at happiness statistics. We will surpass the need to harm the environment or each other when we are all connected in the same program. We won’t physically exist and will be assimilated into the general Artificial intelligences that we create. I think that will be beautiful, but until that point, technology We create is a lot of the reason why the world is so fucked up.

        • Sbebg [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Nah there is no solution atm. We must wait for general intelligence AI to assimilate our consciousness into itself until then, there will be no revolution imo. It comes within our lifetimes.

  • T_Doug [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If we oppose terrorist acts, it is only because individual revenge does not satisfy us. The account we have to settle with the capitalist system is too great to be presented to some functionary called a minister. To learn to see all the crimes against humanity, all the indignities to which the human body and spirit are subjected, as the twisted outgrowths and expressions of the existing social system, in order to direct all our energies into a collective struggle against this system—that is the direction in which the burning desire for revenge can find its highest moral satisfaction. -Trotsky

    Individual acts of terrorism are bad and counterproductive. I find the people who idolize Ted are those too young to remember that most of the people injured by his bombs were postal workers, secretaries, academics, and airplane passengers. He might as well have been a CIA MK ULTRA sleeper agent for the damage he did to environmental/left-wing dissent to Capitalism.

  • AbolishAmerikkka [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I have no idea what you’re talking about I’m just here to buy some gardening supplies.

  • RamblinBob [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Full of inconsistency (In that environment must be pushed to the forefront which is correct but that the environmentalism movement must split off from the left which is inconsistent in that right-wing ideology is incompatible, though you could take this as a critique of identity politics from how he phrases it but even so, it is still a ludicrous statement) and anarcho-primitivism especially when "disassociated from the left" is meme ideology that could never function without somehow magically converting every last person on earth as it rules under the assumption that outside interests will play along rather than capitalists swarming in if you show to be weaker than them defensively and have something worth taking.

  • Gang_gang [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Well I’ve heard tell he was based. Really though can’t say I’d enjoy the possibility of random secretaries and shit getting blown up again.

    I can find a lot to agree with in his writing but honestly what matters is his actions. Which he’s said are purely revenge motivated. Which I guess I understand honestly but it’s not a moral position and it’s not intended to garner any support. Blowing up the oil executives is legitimately based though

    • Amorphous [any]
      4 years ago

      Dude's not an ally of ours, that's absolutely certain. Interesting guy though.