• Flaps [he/him]
              11 months ago

              Yes, some of my comments are done with the aim of making hexbear look bad.

              This is your previous comment

                • Flaps [he/him]
                  11 months ago

                  You see how you're making it difficult for anyone to take you seriously right

                    • Flaps [he/him]
                      10 months ago


                      there are very few people that would take hexbear seriously

                      Then why

                      Yes, some of my comments are done with the aim of making hexbear look bad.

                          • randint@lemm.ee
                            10 months ago

                            I don't know whether you read my parent comments or not, but I am not a nazi apologist.

                        • Egon [they/them]
                          10 months ago

                          Of course they were made to make you look bad, you're clearly not interested in good faith discourse. We want to dunk on you, because you're a condescending little unimaginative impotent weasel

                            • Egon [they/them]
                              10 months ago

                              Of course I'm being condescending, why do you think you deserve good faith when you've shown yourself to be a sad little troll? You're a dumbass idiot that have literally admitted you're doing this to make us look bad. You've failed to engage with well sourced arguments, instead moving the discussion to one of your "opinion" needing to be respected and the possibility needing to be taken seriously - There is no evidence a genocide is occurring, and your opinion isn't one that is inherently worthy of respect. Your opinion isn't based on facts, and your opinion isn't a fact either.
                              Are you actually this stupid you don't understand?

                    • Egon [they/them]
                      10 months ago

                      And you believe people are gonna take the idiot that can't even engage with the simplest of refutations of his bogus claims seriously? Lmao

            • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
              11 months ago

              It's funny because calling you out on your dishonest and racist shit is the original source of your grudge against us

              Now you come to our site for the explicit and sole reason of starting shit with us

              And you act indignant at being called out for your behavior once again and act like you're vnidicated


              • randint@lemm.ee
                10 months ago

                As I have already clarified multiple times, I am not here to start shit. I am here to express my opinions, just like the hexbears do on those news posts on China.

                • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                  10 months ago

                  A Hexbear calling me out for being a troll? Calling my claims rooted on dishonest bullshit? Wow.

                  And how does this comment fit into that objective? Because this looks like you engaging with and in shit.

                • Egon [they/them]
                  10 months ago

                  You have just admitted you want hexbear to look bad you disingenuous idiot

            • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
              11 months ago

              you should stop making ad hominem attacks and instead watch this countdown for an important message then click the spoiler below afterwards countdown

              Don't click until the 60 seconds are up, silly!

              Ad nom on deez nutz ayy lmao

      • randint@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        I did not defend Nazi apologia. I did defend Zenz on his opinions about the genocide against Uyghurs in China.

        • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
          10 months ago

          His opinions about the "genocide"? The fact that you recognise that they are entirely opinions and not facts just shows how inauthentic the claims are.

            • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
              10 months ago

              That's not what "I did defend Zenz on his opinions" means at all. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you'll lie about what you said only a few centimetres away?

        • Egon [they/them]
          10 months ago

          Who gives a shit about some dudes opinions about the misinformation he's spreading?

            • Egon [they/them]
              10 months ago

              Neat! I personally give a shit about facts rather than what some dumbass loser thinks might be happening despite all evidence to the contrary. The Washington Post is a rag owned by Jeff Bezos, acting like it is in any way reputable is laughable

    • Awoo [she/her]
      11 months ago

      democratically elected president of Taiwan


      • randint@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        Did I say anything wrong? Was the process democratic? Yes. Was he elected? Yes. Was his title "president"? Yes. Did this happen in Taiwan? Also yes.

        • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
          10 months ago

          By this same logic, Xi is the democratically elected leader of China but for some reason you keep calling it a dictatorship

          • randint@lemm.ee
            10 months ago

            No? Xi does not even claim himself to be democratically elected by the citizens.

            • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
              10 months ago

              By the citizens? You didn't say that part lol. That disqualifies the U.S. as a democracy.

        • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
          10 months ago

          Taiwan is a fascist colony and democracy is not possible until the junta is gone and western influence wiped away

        • Egon [they/them]
          10 months ago

          Damn I didn't know you supported the democratic people's Republic of Korea, that's kinda based of you

          • randint@lemm.ee
            10 months ago

            I don't think the people of North Korea have any say in who gets to be the president/chairman/general secretary.

            • Egon [they/them]
              10 months ago

              Uhh sweaty it's in the name, it's democratic. You just used this logic yourself you fucking dumbass dog-headed pissbaby

    • comr [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Judging by your post history you are definitely trying to stir shit up.

        • AOCapitulator [they/them]
          10 months ago

          you look how many of them are still federated with nazis and transphobes and tell us again how sad it is those freaks defederated

            • AOCapitulator [they/them]
              10 months ago

              again, aww boo hoo all the most reactionary instances defederated from us waaahh

            • Egon [they/them]
              10 months ago

              Aww boo hol we don't get to interact with libs like you that spread misinformation long after they're been showed to be liars? We don't get to interact with more people like you that thinks they're deserving of respect despite acting in bad faith themselves? We don't get to interact with idiots like you that somehow think an opinion based on nothing but lies and hearsay is something that should be respected? That's really too bad

        • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
          10 months ago

          And? There's only like three major instances worth being federated with in the first place.

        • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
          10 months ago

          I hold that it is bad as far as we are concerned if a person, a political party, an army or a school is not attacked by the enemy, for in that case it would definitely mean that we have sunk to the level of the enemy. It is good if we are attacked by the enemy, since it proves that we have drawn a clear line of demarcation between the enemy and ourselves. It is still better if the enemy attacks us wildly and paints us as utterly black and without a single virtue; it demonstrates that we have not only drawn a clear line of demarcation between the enemy and ourselves but achieved a great deal in our work.

        • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
          10 months ago

          No one here cares because they're filled with losers like you. It is a privilege to federate with us. Blahaj was on some transphobic and ableist bullshit, so they lost that privilege.

    • CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      What you said in your comment is slander and hurts my reputation. I would like to politely request that you take down the allegations.

      It's not slander if it's true.