Feels like (the good parts of) old chapo again, drop an AOC post and go grab some lunch... come back and there are over 60 replies :)

    • opposide [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I already told you this isn’t about AOC being objectively good, it’s about the fact that she allows materially better conditions for actual leftist organization here on the ground in our district.

      She’s infinitely better than any of the other neoliberal ghouls who have represented this district in the last 40 years and I implore you to actually read what I wrote saying I hope we one day primary AOC from the left and win, something that would not be possible had we not been able to organize locally during AOC’s tenure as our elected official.

      If I could I’d be part of the First Peoples Regiment of the NYC Liberation Army tomorrow to establish the People’s Republic of Greater NY but it’s not happening and not possible yet, so I’m building the conditions to allow it to happen. What are you doing you fucking lib?

      • RandomWords [he/him]
        4 years ago

        better than a neo-lib doesn't make you fucking good. it doesn't even really allow material conditions to be better. what it does is stifle an actual movement.

        • opposide [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Ok and again I am BEGGING you to read where I directly say AOC is not good.

          But god you in your fucking ivory tower. You know what’s not happening? People rising up in New York while the NYPD has a SIX BILLION dollar budget. You know the only way to change that? Either rising up and physically dismantling it or legislating that money away and enabling the EXACT CONDITIONS YOURE TALKING ABOUT.

          You know how we are trying to do away with that budget? By ensuring we have representation on the inside ready to work to get rid of it, something that isn’t happening if you have Giuliani or Bloomberg running the city.

          Me: “Here are how material conditions in our local community have improved since and because of AOC, allowing for us leftists to directly organize in ways we weren’t before”

          @RandomWords: “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MATERIAL CONDITIONS?!?!???!?"

          • RandomWords [he/him]
            4 years ago

            my 'ivory towers' got a fuckin staircase and a welcome mat you stupid fuck. elevate yourself. you said specifically that "the system can" which is only true if enough people get pissed off at it's existence, and the entire point of this post which your replying to is to fucking boost up fucking aoc, which you're helping to promote with this fucking bullshit. you know how e're going to do away with a budget? is that the fucking goal? are we doing local revolutions now? is that the fucking point that we're going to try to achieve? cause taht shits going to get immediately squashed.

            AOC serves a fucking purpose in congress or she wouldn't be there. she a fucking token progressive, just like bernie was. they serve a fucking purpose. a fucking "manufactured consent" of representation.

            • opposide [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              Local organization leads to revolutions you absolute imbecile. You cry and whine and moan about material conditions and when I tell you they’ve improved you deflect and make it about AOC. Fucking newsflash, political offices hold immense sway and power and when they’re not being used to undermine the left like they have through all of American political history the left is able to organize and increase the power base of the left.

              I WANT TO REMOVE AOC FROM THE LEFT. How many damn times am I going to have to tell you this? AOC IS NOT GOOD but she is better for the left than anybody else and it has improved material conditions for the left. We aren’t electing MLs yet, we aren’t dismantling our political system yet, so why is it bad that we do what we can strategically to build up the left?

              Do you understand how shortsighted you are being? This is why I’m saying you live in this ivory tower. We are on the ground doing praxis and telling you it is only possible because material conditions have improved as a direct result of AOC and you’re telling us that’s bad. What is good enough for you? What’s your plan? Because I’ve not yet seen it.