Reminder that Zizek ran for political office in Slovenia on an explicitly anti-communist platform after the dismantling of socialist Yugoslavia. He's such a fucking nonsense peddler, what with his typical anecdotes that seem profound on the surface but are scarcely more than meaningless koans, sans the meditation part. The embodiment of a detached ivory tower pseudo-leftist intellectual aggressively sniffing his own farts. The tails to Chomsky's heads side of the same coin.
Reminder that Zizek ran for political office in Slovenia on an explicitly anti-communist platform after the dismantling of socialist Yugoslavia. He's such a fucking nonsense peddler, what with his typical anecdotes that seem profound on the surface but are scarcely more than meaningless koans, sans the meditation part. The embodiment of a detached ivory tower pseudo-leftist intellectual aggressively sniffing his own farts. The tails to Chomsky's heads side of the same coin.
Noooooo, we have to go back to Hegel.
Here, let's sit down and watch this obscure pop culture movie from the 1990s, it has relevant insights to understanding capitalist ideology.