I see the other Zizek article on the front page, and raise you this one. Discuss: :zizek-joy:
2007 I told a friend how Zizek talks about revolution but does nothing for it. My friend told me that maybe him flying across the world talking to a set of 200-600 students at a time the same set is his part of the revolution, to which I just have to add that he is an entertaining shipwreck, but not material enough for anything deep to happen.
That he is a philosopher and not a political leader is pretty obvious, but he is to some extent "trotted out" because he is edgey and has like a picture of Mao or something.
To me he seems like a smart version of Jordan Peterson. I am sure he makes valuable contributions to his obscure field of study, but I don't see what he offers the leftist politcal movement more broadly aside from a lot of headaches and confusion.
Reminder that Zizek ran for political office in Slovenia on an explicitly anti-communist platform after the dismantling of socialist Yugoslavia. He's such a fucking nonsense peddler, what with his typical anecdotes that seem profound on the surface but are scarcely more than meaningless koans, sans the meditation part. The embodiment of a detached ivory tower pseudo-leftist intellectual aggressively sniffing his own farts. The tails to Chomsky's heads side of the same coin.
Noooooo, we have to go back to Hegel.
Here, let's sit down and watch this obscure pop culture movie from the 1990s, it has relevant insights to understanding capitalist ideology.
this is easier to read than any of his books, way less French guys cited
If you invested that much effort into understanding something, your brain demands you to believe it was worth the effort, regardless of quality. Technique scientologists use.
(Less glibly, he's not usually correct, but he's almost always got something unique to say. You'll at least think about something differently after listening.)
But best way to prevent communism is to FOLLOW China
Well yeah, no shit, cause they're not really a communist country. They have a billionaire class and an exploited working class, much like the US. China is western leftists' favorite capitalist country.