• the_river_cass [she/her]
    4 years ago

    yea, agreed. I'm speaking specifically about the existing PMC, not their downwardly mobile children. in contrast, the petit-bourgeoisie are being told to fuck off in favor of the bourgeoisie as their last bastions are wiped out in cities across the country. they are being directly proletarianized in a way I didn't think was possible at the start of this crisis. like if you're going to do a bailout for anyone, it's obviously them, right? they're the lynchpin of liberal democracy - if they sway to the forces of revolution, the state crumbles.

    in the short to medium term, I'm not actually that afraid of them joining the fascists. counter-revolution is being conducted almost exclusively by the state right now and their would-be allies haven't embraced dying for the cause just yet: groups like the proud boys generally walk away from fights rather than picking them even when outnumbered to give security forces an excuse to bloody protestors. they'll come around to that eventually but for the immediate future they aren't a real political force. that will change quickly as the state crumbles and the fighting over the future begins in ernest. it's at this point that the petit-bourgeoisie (and PMC where they haven't already) will properly join the counter-revolution.