• Baader [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Of course is violence against innocent people completely wrong. Plus, I don't want to appear to take the attackers side, these are right wing terrorist. Not the white supremacy right wing but the muslim supremacy right wing. However, I cannot understand how France is supposed to get over this situation, if they are escalating tensions. Again, I'm not saying that I symphathise with islamists. My familily if from the middle-east and Islam has made life for my family so much worse. However, showing the caricatures in large format only leads to further radicalization of people on the edge of radical islamism. If you aknowledge it or not, it is still an insult to all muslims. And large crowds of insulted people seldomly have great ideas.

    • Jorick [he/him]
      4 years ago

      China's treatment is the answer, coupled with the expulsion of foreign nationals who don't even try to hide their religious extremism/nationalism. See as an example Turkish residents who act like literal grey wolves, or Saudi-financed preachers. A whole lot of people come here thinking we won't do anything, and they're entirely right. We've done literally nothing for 40 years, letting the situation become worse and worse, and this includes not reflecting upon our colonial past, the way we treat minorities, the influence of religions (which include catholicism too); and more.

      It's doesn't has to become a shitshow, but I don't trust Macron's government to finally start taking good measures.