get your fucking head on straight

  • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    He did not "puss out". He is currently actively antagonizing Iran, stealing their oil tankers and weapon shipments. He did that this week.

      • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        All we have to go on here is history. Obama de-escalated with Iran. Trump escalated more than any president since the coup.

        Edit: can somebody please fucking refute this claim instead of just downvoting it?

        • Civility [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          A thing I wrote earlier about US relations with Iran under the Trump and Obama adminstrations:

          It wasn’t a “diplomatic agreement” it was fucking extortion to get Iran to stop their nuclear program cos if they succeeded it would get a lot harder to coup them.

          The USA broke their side of the “agreement” the month the deal was signed when they never halted sanctions like they’d agreed to.

          Iran is in a bettter position now than at the end of Obama’s second term. Obama’s deal left Iran under moderate sanctions (a blatant violation of the deal as it was written) and under the threat that if UN inspectors weren’t satisfied their nuclear program wasn’t happening those sanctions would increase to cripping levels. The Trump administratoin increased US Sanctions on Iran but the loss of US soft power under his regime led to the UN declining to extend UN sanctions following the assasination despite the US pushing for those sanctions to be extended. As it stands the UN sactions on Iran are set to expire in October 2020, the US’ unilateral sanctions are increasingly inneffective as the US’ economic hegemony deteriorates and the Iranian nuclear program has more enriched fissible material stockpiled and is presumably closer to producing a nuclear deterrent than it ever has been.

          The Trump regime has been a fucking gift to Ali Khamenei and the people of Iran.

          • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            I think this relies on the demonstrably false idea that Iran has a nuclear weapons program. That's imperial propaganda. The Obama Iran deal was definitely extortion, but I think there's a clear case that it gave Iran more room to operate than the previous relationship did; the intensive nuclear standards and inspections were restrictive and obviously unfair, but the deal as a whole was less restrictive than the previous status quo since Iran did not actually have any plans to make nukes.

            Obviously, the collapse of US soft power has been a boon to the entire world, and I think you can partially attribute that to Trump. But I think the far, far more significant factors are the inevitable failure of every US institution due to late capitalist instability and, most importantly, the rise of China as the soon-to-be dominant economic power (military power is another story, unfortunately).

            You do make some good points I'm definitely thinking about, though.

          • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            The USA broke their side of the “agreement” the month the deal was signed when they never halted sanctions like they’d agreed to.

            Did Iran say this? If so, why did they remain a party to the deal?