But recent events and you kind people have shown me that liberals are completely incapable of upholding the integrity of this ideal. Every application of it seems to contradict the one that came before and it's now effectively been weaponized by the right to sow division among the majority who oppose them. It's alienating effect on the working class is driving them towards deception and hate.

I think many liberals do have the best intentions but there is an obvious placating and neutralising effect of believing in the sanctity of your own actions when they're only derived from sentimentalism. It's why I thought I was immune, as I know that my liberal idealism was derived from an understanding of the class struggle, but I was not.

The way social liberalism has become divorced from socialism has created a baseless belief in the superiority of moralism and not of force. Being unwilling to recognize the nature of the class struggle as an act of force renders any actions through this lens impotent. Being unwilling to acknowledge that we working class have inherited a history of oppression and superiority over other nations that we were either unable to contain or in many cases passively condoned renders all speech in an effort to liberate our selves untenable.

Under the suppression of the state we have retreated our socialism in to safer ground and it has weakened it. The only way to recover is to defeat the liberal, and take back from them the esteem that they have stolen from us. To educate our comrades on the symbiosis between them and the conservative who's absurd acts of evil are a tactic only to force greater and greater political compromise.

I was wrong. You were right. Death to Toby.