Excited to find the western chauvinists in this community.

Edit: Wow apparently the only people on chapo dot chat are whitees unaffected by and benefiting from their imperialism confidently declaring how the perpetrators are to be treated.
Y'all have some nerve

Edit 2:
ITT If you shoot a black kid in the back in downtown Baltimore I want nothing to do with you. If you perfarate an entire back family in Mogadischu or Baghdad that's ok, you did growth and spaces.

  • qublics [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    That would only be a fair comparison with veterans and ex-cops.
    And be honest, how likely is it that an ex-cop has actually reformed?

    The only ex-cops that I might trust are those that quit as whistle-blowers; or that were minorities policing minority neighborhoods in attempts at harm reduction or something like that.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      4 years ago

      Does anyone have real problems with ex-cops who have cut ties with cop culture? The problem with that DSA guy was that he was still organizing cop unions and apologizing for cops.

    • GrouchoMarxist [comrade/them,use name]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, that's all I'm really commenting on here. This site seems to reject cops pretty quickly but puts a lot of effort into embracing vets and I'm asking what real difference is between the two groups, outside of average age

      • KiaKaha [he/him]
        4 years ago

        One difference is the people they’re trained to oppress.

        Cops are trained to oppress their own countrymen. Soldiers are trained to oppress people on the other side of the world.

        It’s why in revolutions we see the military flip long before cops do. Cops are always the last holdouts.