I don't just mean outrage or regular rage, I mean shock that someone was to the left of "legal weed and free college but only for those that operate a successful business for 3 years in a disadvantaged community" top-cop takes.

I think federating took them by surprise, looking back. For about a week, those smug liberals were at a loss to even fathom what Hexbears were saying, and could only chant bullshit about how we're Russian/Chinese bots.

Sure they still do that but they've slightly adapted to Hexbear presence.

  • Infamousblt [any]
    10 months ago

    That's their latest thing yeah. "Well see you both agree with Republican ideas of isolationism and therefore you must ACTUALLY be right wing."

    Libs plz. We believe in US isolationism because we want the US to stop fucking around with the rest of the world and leave the rest of the world alone to figure itself out without being bombed and coerced into doing what the US wants the world to do. The right believes in US isolationism because they're nationalists who believe the US should only help ourselves and should never help anyone outside our borders. We're literally polar opposites. There is no overlap in those 2 viewpoints.

    • D61 [any]
      10 months ago

      When we say "isolationism" we mean "quarantine"... think-mark

    • cynesthesia
      8 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Republicans, famous isolationists who opposed the Iraq War

      • jabrd [he/him]
        10 months ago

        The paleocons did and still do favor isolationism. There are multiple tendencies on the right as on the left

    • LaughingLion [any, any]
      10 months ago

      im not so much a us isolationist but more so i want the usa to stop doing things overseas on account that it stops existing altogether