Count with me!

  • Michael Moore simping for Biden and Obama
  • MM simping for Obama mentioning Flint's water, which he personally choose to not give a fuck about.
  • "This is not like 2016" gaaaad
  • The pixelated, yellow tinted picture (WTF?)
  • "Our request has been granted" ie they are gonna lie to your face while benefitting from it, and you asked for it thinking you are winning something.

This can be milked further

[Fresh screenshot from The Depths]

    4 years ago

    Michael Moore was on Bad Faith last week, and said the campaign called him up because they were struggling in Michigan. Really doesn't bode well for them that they have to try and pull this 11th hour bullshit to try and drum up some turnout.

    He advised the Biden campaign to announce a policy of sending in the Army Corps of Engineers to install new piping to every home. Looks like instead they're just gonna send Obama in to say hi.