Basically somebody was talking about how socialism is when everybody gets paid the same and so nobody would want to work hard, I told them they were clueless and go read about what socialism is before shit talking it and they said ok what book should I read? I’m not sure I should recommend anything too complicated to somebody who knows nothing. I feel like Socialism Utopian and Scientific might be too old to connect. Any good primers y’all could recommend?

    • glimmer_twin [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I like that episode but I think it’s bit in the philosophical/theoretical weeds for someone who literally doesn’t know what socialism is, I’d start with something a bit more “Socialism for Dummies”

      • happybadger [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That's where I think it has a special power. If you just describe socialism, that does include the utopian projects which don't reflect what socialism means. It also leaves the "Stalin and Mao killed 1 honey mustard person" narratives unquestioned. If you describe what it means to the individual, either you're stuck explaining some other field or you're limiting it to some misleading superficial understanding of what it means for the individual. They get to vote at work and their survival isn't tied to their productivity. Selling points certainly but that's also social democracy so you just create a radlib. The most essential things about socialism are that shift from idealist to materialist framework, the dialectical analysis of relationships, and the idea of political experimentation to resolve problems in those relationships. If you have even a basic grasp of those things, then reading a book like People's History of the US isn't just exposure to an alternative narrative of history. Understanding how socialists think will give them that formalised ruthless criticism of all that exists. Understanding what Marxism means opens up that whole realm of critical theory which radicalises them based on their individual oppression.

        • glimmer_twin [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I understand what you’re saying, and I agree. But I know for myself all the “dialectics” stuff was way above my comprehension when I first got into socialism. I picked that side up as I went along. I think it would be easy to turn someone off by throwing deep theoretical concepts at them straight away (especially someone who is already coming from a place of “I don’t like socialism”).

          I definitely agree with your thoughts though, once you flick that dialectics switch in someone’s brain you give them an incredible tool in terms of viewing the world/history. Maybe throw the podcast in along with some more 101 type resource and say “by the way, that sPoOkY Marxism stuff you’ve heard about all your life? It’s literally just a way of analysing the world - here’s a pod that explains it in like 90 minutes”.