• Rev [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Very liberally applied. Especially important is there was zero social stigma attached to it so it was simply a medical procedure just like pulling a tooth. Obviously the emotional turmoil on the part of women deciding to have the abortion was still present, simply because it is such an emotionally charged decision in any context just by its nature. All in all abortion was more widely used than in the West but nowhere near the caricature levels conservatives would have you believe, a huge factor being that it was actually super easy to have a child and give it a good life. The state did everything to make having children a joy (fully paid maternity leave of 112 days, partially paid maternity leave till 18 months and job place retainment for 3 years - all claimed together, free 24 hour kindergarten, free medical care, free childcare classes pre-birth, free enrolment of children into all sorts of extracurricular activities, city planning so schools, shops, hospitals within max 15 minutes walking distance, etc.) while also making it easy for women to undo unwanted pregnancies. As it should be.

    Edited details about maternity leave above.

    Here are some links: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.iipf.org/papers/Malkova-The_Effect_of_Paid_Parental_Leave_and_a_Child_Benefit-126.pdf%3Fdb_name%3DIIPF69%26paper_id%3D463&ved=2ahUKEwiRi8vJheLsAhVCC-wKHcEcDMIQFjACegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw3PK6BsXN5rbhyjzJU06FAp


      • Rev [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Just added links and edited the maternity leave details. The important thing to note is that despite greater and greater erosion of social services in the West, in the USSR workers were getting better and better protection and benefits with each passing year up until Gorbachev started his liberalisation course.