• dualmindblade [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Does the show get any better? Trying to get into it now, 3 eps in. It looks amazing but some of the dialog is just awful

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    I was expecting a lot more from the clickbait title and even as he begins to explain himself I was expecting a far deeper comparison than what we got which was what a few minutes cliff notes at the end?

    I don't watch nuTrek anymore so just commenting based on the content he shows here I think that certainly looks like a fine Trek episode overall, and I agree with most of his criticisms of the law here.But he is basically happy because of the twist at the end which he thought was clever.

    On the criticism of the drumhead I think of course the episode could've been better in hindsight but most of the praise comes from the sci-fi context IMO and where it sits within trek.

    This leads to my final point which is the year is 2023, with all respect Hollywood had 40 years to learn and improve on how to write a decent drama episode. I'm not going to be sitting here shitting my pants that a competent writer on [current year] managed to write something decent specially something as standardized as your clearly American style formulaic courtroom drama. There is a lot of inspiration available today, but the same can't be said in 1985 or whatever. People tend to forget TNG is old now, I mean fucking Patrick Stewart looking like walking corpse wasn't obvious enough.

    But as I said at the start sure looks like a fine episode and this "review" was mildly entertaining, at least it didn't make me feel like I want to punch my screen whenever I see someone from STD or PIC.