well you have now

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Like a Lovecraft protagonist, my need to know wins out over the knowledge that knowing will shatter my mind

    2 minutes later


  • robinn2
    10 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • Tachanka [comrade/them]
    10 months ago

    i'm not gonna read the comments. instead i'm gonna guess. someone who bothered to read the comments tell me how i did

    • marx didn't know economics 101 ancap-good

    • capitalism was bad back then, but then they got rid of child labor and gave us the 8 hour work day so it's ok liberalism

    • no samsung galaxy 1000 bougainvillion dead soypoint-2

    • i used to be a communist, then i got a job and moved out of my mom's basement smuglord

    • marx did holodomor stalin-comical-spoon

    • marx/lenin? how about mark levin. expert-shapiro

    • if i see someone holding this book in real life I'm gonna redacted frothingfash

    • pls... don't believe this trash... castro took my dad's egg monopoly rage-cry

    • you know, you can support a strong state that upholds the volk without being communist cryptofascist

    • tankies stole my democracy manifest democracy-manifest

    • trotsky invented the word racism to render debate impossible racist-lorry-driver

    • sovietknuckles [they/them]
      10 months ago

      Even better


      Soul-crushing in its hatred of human nature, and irritating in its misconstruing of economic maxims. Beginning with a vast oversimplification of Adam Smith's theory of value, Marx proceeds to describe, for ants, bees and other insectile collectivists, the kind of economics he wishes had evolved among humans. He then offers--via a distortion of the Hegelian dialectic, which is itself a distortion of logic--a historicist, "scientific" account of how the "proletariat" will inevitably rise and take control of the world.

      Conspiratorial, ignorant, brutally authoritarian. Bring antidepressants.

      • Homestar440 [he/him]
        10 months ago

        I don't know, maybe I'm just in a weird mood, but this review made me happy. It's just so garbage, starting strong with human nature, going on to say that his bit about the ants and bees (literally in the first few pages) is what he thinks society should be like, and peppered with unnecessarily large words that nonetheless still leaves his criticism utterly vague and superficial. FeelsVindicatedMan

  • Magician [he/him, they/them]
    10 months ago

    A public forum based on reviews and designed like a YouTube comment section? No thanks. I don't want to suffer.


    Though now I'm supremely curious.

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      10 months ago

      The intersection of people who post GoodReads reviews and the people who read all of Capital is tiny. This is just a bunch of liberals and tech bro libertarians drooling on themselves after reviewing Gambo and The Hobbit.

  • seas_surround [he/him]
    10 months ago

    That's the guy that never worked a single day in his life. Responsible for the deaths of tens or even hundreds of millions of humans on the planet. His legacy continues to this day with Critical Race Theory and trans paranoia copying his evil anti-White ideas, still claiming human lives.

    there's no brain left here, it's worms all the way down