all Obama has to do to stop the next Bernie is have Michelle run, kill yourselves

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They spent the past 12 years worshipping Obama, this isn't a surprise.

    The cult of personality around him got old within the first couple years of his presidency when he was doing fuck all about the recession and wars he promised to put an end to. If it weren't for Trump being so god awful, people would probably remember how hated he was during his presidency. Obama was only re-elected due to the fact that the Tea Party conservatives hated Mitt Romney and Romney sank himself with the 47% comments and shitting on poor people.

    Hands down, the most useless Democrat president since Jimmy Carter and probably even worse than him cause Carter was so bad he got primaried by someone in his own party and then was destroyed when he tried to run for re-election. Obama had 8 years and the most he has to show for it is a shitty healthcare system that don't benefit anyone outside the middle and upper class.

    Seriously. The only thing Obama really has going for him is his blackness. That's it, and even that is quite overrated as hell considering that he called BLM protesters the word THUGS when they protested in Baltimore and he called the Ferguson BLM protesters a bunch of LOOTERS back in 2014.

    Fuck Obama.