Not that I'd want him to of course.

  • Rem [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I've been so gaslit I genuinely don't know whether the wall exists or not

    • Rodentsteak [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It doesn't. There was a fence when he took office, and he ubilt like a "Test wall" but not the actual wall.

      • Rem [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Right, the one he did photo ops with. I'm glad he took the Chapo advice and just told everyone the wall was built, since his supporters (and my stupid ass apparently) would believe him anyway.

        • Rodentsteak [he/him]
          4 years ago

          You're missing a step. Which is that the embezzled money came from a gofundme set up by some dude who claimed he was going to build the wall for Trump using private funds, "because congress refused to give him the money for the wall".

          • Sushi_Desires
            4 years ago

            I forgot about the gofund me. Didn't they take federal funds as well though?

            • Rodentsteak [he/him]
              4 years ago

              I don't think so, I think it was purely a grift on the MAGApedes.