So if in 2022, we see a red wave (a situation most here think is very possible), the GOP could gain 3 more state legislatures and then they would have 34. That's how many they need to call a constitutional convention. If that happens, literally everything is on the table. A ban on all unions? Sure. Prevent the government from providing any social services or health care? They'd almost certainly do that one. They could even curb who is allowed to participate in government i.e. no socialists. It would all be up for grabs. Google "the liberty amendments". Some scary shit right there.

  • RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Nice system you got there. LOL at "they could even prevent socialist from participating in government", as if there were.

  • Provastian_Jackson [he/him]
    4 years ago

    this was a really disastrous election for the libs because like you said we are competing on a lot of dimensions besides the president. It takes 2/3rds to call a convention but 3/4s to pass. So they'd need 38 legislatures. Unlikely soon.