Permanently Deleted

    10 months ago

    There are a few literal Nazis on both sides. Ukraine doesn't have any in the government or high command apparatus.

    Why is the meat grinder unnecessary? Should Ukraine just give up it's sovereignty and become part of Russia? If not, the war remains necessary.

    • robinn2
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator

        • robinn2
          10 months ago

          deleted by creator

                • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                  10 months ago

                  If you really can't keep track of conversations in your head at least look at the context of each comment you reply to so you don't look like a stupid wall people are talking to

                    10 months ago

                    There are a few literal Nazis on both sides. Ukraine doesn't have any in the government or high command apparatus

                    Zelensky thanked and did a photo shoot with the Nazi Andriy Biletsky (leader of the Azov Battalion, said his goal is to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade… against Semite-led Untermenschen”); Zelensky also wears and advertises Nazi merchandise [1] [2]. And Ukrainian parliament and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine openly celebrate Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera (he has monuments all over Ukraine). So your claims of no Nazis in govt or high command are completely incorrect.

                    “Nazis on both sides” is nonsense, and before the war demanded every western source to support Ukraine, the Neo-Nazi problem in Ukraine was widely publicized and documented [1] [2] [3] [4]. Clearly the US realized how many Nazis there were in Ukraine to the extent that they lifted regulations on congressional funding of Neo Nazis when supporting Ukraine. Maybe before giving up it’s sovereignty Ukraine can try to remove its monuments to Nazi collaborators, purge Nazis from office, and stop being a U.S. vassal state.

                    • robinn2
                      10 months ago

                      deleted by creator

                        10 months ago

                        Oh sorry, I thought you meant that there were no Nazis in Russian power when you said 'nazis on both sides' was nonsense. So your saying Nazis are in higher places of power in Ukraine than Russia?

                        • commiewithoutorgans [he/him, comrade/them]
                          10 months ago

                          Damn can you for a second think about systematic versus individual arguments? Nobody thinks there are no Nazi's with power in Russia (though the biggest ones were recently killed). It's about how those ideologies function in Russian and Ukrainian socio/political-economic situation.

                          In Russia, they are systematically oppressed, with many far right figures calling Putin jewish-supporting and anti-right wing for the way that their organizations are systematically kept down. There were celebrations of collaborators after the 90's that have consistently been stopped by police and people arrested for long times for partaking in recent decades.

                          Meanwhile, regardless of INDIVIDUAL Nazi's (which on this front is still many more, but I don't really care about that), Ukraine is incorporating the ideological functions of, and avoiding any critique of, the Nazi collaboration supporters. More people are picking up the symbols of Nazism, people are using the language and ideological underpinnings of Nazism to discuss Russians in orientalist and anti-Semitism-influenced language about how lesser and Asian they are.

                          In one country, such talk is dying off as it's oppressed away and in the other it's growing and becoming only more popular.

                        • Egon [they/them]
                          10 months ago

                          So you're saying they're not more present in the Ukrainian government? I'd like to see your proof for this. has given you a great analysis with sources highlighting the involvement of Nazis in Ukrainian government positions. So far your response has been "well what about that mercenary?"
                          Stop being obtuse and cute about it, if you have some actual proof and basis for your claims, share it

                        • Egon [they/them]
                          10 months ago

                          How is your reading comprehension this bad?

            • robinn2
              10 months ago

              deleted by creator

        • Egon [they/them]
          10 months ago

          Great engagement with someone showing you how Nazis are structurally integrated in Ukraine. If you think the same for Russia FUCKING PROVE IT. And don't link me to some lazy-ass YouTube video citing Kiev independent. Show me your analysis

        • Outdoor_Catgirl [she/her, they/them]
          10 months ago

          They were being used as cannon fodder with the intent to destroy them, and their leadership was assassinated by Putin. Doesn't exactly seem like Russia is a fan of them

            10 months ago

            The comment was saying that it's bogus that there are Nazis on both sides. I asked if the Wagner Nazis were Russian. It directly relates to the claims.

            • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
              10 months ago

              Ukraine has a national holiday celebrating their nazi leader from WW2. Russia has a holiday celebrating the defeat of the Nazis in WW2.

                10 months ago

                Ukraine also has may 9th, Victory Day over Nazism in World War II. Are you taking about defender's day? I didn't find any holidays that fit your description.

                • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                  10 months ago


                  I'm not the only one getting tired of you speaking as if with authority and needing to be taught fundamental aspects of the topics you're talking about.

        • Babs [she/her]
          10 months ago

          Is Wagner a Nazi paramilitary, or a penal legion? One day I hear they are a bunch of ideological soldiers just like Azov, next I hear that it's full of Russian prisoners trying to shorten their sentences.

        • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
          10 months ago

          Doesn't matter Putin iced their leaders and took control. Denazification is happening. Trust the plan.

        • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
          10 months ago

          TIL that supporting nazis is okay if they hate your opponent

          Why are nazis aligned with your interests and why do nazis oppose your rival? Doesn't matter, repeat your mantra, "We are the good guys".

        • emizeko [they/them]
          10 months ago

          nice handwave. even if that excused pushing and helping nazis (it doesn't) you ignore the last 30 years they were doing it after that. very convenient

        • somename [she/her]
          10 months ago

          Would you say it's bad the US pushed and supported Nazi's around the world to fight communism?

    • Annakah69 [she/her]
      10 months ago

      Dude, Valerii Zaluzhnyi literally has 2 busts of Bandera in his office.

      Tldr, the commander of the armed forces of Ukraine is a nazi.

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      10 months ago

      Post source of Nazis in leadership ranks in Russian military or government

        • robinn2
          10 months ago

          deleted by creator

            • robinn2
              10 months ago

              deleted by creator

              • duderium [he/him]
                10 months ago

                Holy shit I didn’t know that that Utkin piece of shit was on that plane. He was the only guy liberals could come up with when they were saying that Nazis were also in Russia too (although he had not been seen in public since 2016). Once again I must express my critical support for Putin, especially when he’s mercing Nazis. Odd that liberals haven’t praised Putin for doing this, since I thought they hated Nazis?

                • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
                  10 months ago

                  They wanted prigo to do a coup, they cheered for him and called Wagner freedom fighters during their little farce

        • MCU_H8ER2
          10 months ago

          deleted by creator

                10 months ago

                Favored by Putin and given special latitude. You aren't going to start a pmc without serious political capital, plus Putin had been commissioning them for a long time.

                • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                  10 months ago

                  Do those words mean anything? Favored? Latitude?

                  And the strength of these connections is why hiring and then killing off a mercenary makes the Russian government the nature of being nazis in the same way Ukraine having actual nazi politicians in charge does?

                  Why do you argue so fucking far past the point it's obvious you're wrong? You're an entire branching comment tree in this post. You never give up on a single point but you're getting bodied left and right.

                  • epicspongee [they/them, he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    Why do you argue so fucking far past the point it's obvious you're wrong? You're an entire branching comment tree in this post. You never give up on a single point but you're getting bodied left and right.

                    I'm laughing so hard I almost shat my pants reading this thread

                    10 months ago

                    Do you think Progodion was not important in the Kremlin? It's really hard to sort out the web of connections and allegiances, but it seems like Progodion was pretty important, and getting more important and dangerous as Wagner gained notoriety.

                    • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                      10 months ago

                      No more answering questions with questions. Go back and justify the connections you implied with "favored" and "latitude"

                      You need to actually fucking say something substantial now. None of this mind palace bullshit. What was his role if not as a mercenary? If he was important at the Kremlin what was his position there?


                        10 months ago

                        He was a general of a portion of the Russian army. The most effective portion, giving him a lot of pr. That made him a pretty popular general, which is dangerous for the leader in the best of times.

                        I'd recommend these for more info on him. They're very well researched and presented. The second and third are long tough.


                        • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                          10 months ago

                          I'm not watching your dipshit youtube videos.

                          He was a general of a portion of the Russian army.

                          No he wasn't. He was the general of a mercenary outfit. He got a lot of PR because he's a nazi and the media your dipshit youtube personalities regurgitate for you has a vested interest in doing a 'very bad people on both sides' because they want you to support an explicitly fascist government. He was effective because they used him for the worst fighting. He's a mercenary. Their job is to die so you don't lose soldiers that hurt you politically. That's also why he was pissed off. The thing that made him dangerous was the part where he fired on Russian military and civilians.

                          If you want me to engage with your sources you need to go through the video and find them. And just to get ahead of the ball: if you link "Radio free _____" or the Kiev Independent I'm just going to talk about the sources themselves.

    • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
      10 months ago

      Poll by Rating, a Ukrainian research institute, shows positive opinions of Stepan Bandera (Jew exterminating Nazi) soaring from 22 per cent in 2012 to 74 per cent in April 2022. (post maidan revolution in 2014)

      Those opinions are stronger the further you get away from Russia. They are weaker in Crimea and Donbass.

      The left wing parties in Ukraine have been banned.

      Russia isn't trying to absorb Ukraine. They would absolutely broker a deal to take back Crimea and Donbass and leave the rest. A significant number in those places are ethnically russian (it's the largest ethnicity proportion in the area ~ 39%) and a higher proportion than just ethnic Russians are open to becoming part of Russia (~49%)

      some sources:

    • Water Bowl
      10 months ago

      Don't both sides the issue, the Nazis in Ukraine command its military and hold office. To the point where even pro-Ukraine news can't blur out all the swastikas, wolfsangels, black suns, and Bandera portraits.

      And I agree, Ukraine should be sovereign. Which is why it must reject its current government that was installed by the US via coup. The people the Ukraine should be fighting are their compradors, not the Russians.

        10 months ago

        I'm doing it you mean?

        I'm pointing out it's nonsensical to site getting rid of Nazis as a justification to invade when you also have the same problem. What about ism brings up unrelated wrongs, this is showing hypocrisy.

        • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
          10 months ago

          I don't see people on here saying Nazis are the reason it started so much. Most people's take is that Russia is lashing out against encirclement by opposing powers, and also to annex parts of Ukraine that according to polls, don't want to be part of Ukraine anymore.

          Western funding of Nazis is just a tried and tested mechanism of levering power against a state.

          It's not the reason that Russia started their offensive, but it is a fact that the CIA funds right wing militants to fight on the behalf of the USA's economic interests. They have done so time and time again throughout history, from Europe to Asia to Africa.

          Now, as Ukraine rules with western support, they have outlawed left wing parties. This has rather predictably ended with higher rates of admiration of the Nazi Stepan Bandera, the repeal of labour laws, and the mass privatization of the country.

          This is typical economic shock doctrine. If Ukraine wins, its people will be the new low wage manufacturers and workers for the world to use and discard for profits. If Russia wins, it's also not great at this point - they'd likely be contending with western funded guerillas, and who knows if Russia would actually reinstate the repealed labour laws and left wing parties, given that Russia itself is a capitalist oligarchy.

    • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Yeah, what good things was Ukraine doing? Anything worth all those dead people? Of course not