As far as I know, all of them - USSR, Cuba, China, Vietnam, NK etc, implement gun control. Why should their governments do that? The people of these states genuinely support(ed) socialism, if they are/were all armed they can protect socialism far better than the 1% of the population that makes up the military.

  • comi [he/him]
    4 years ago
    1. Freedom is a meaningless term, so I won’t argue that point.

    2. It was not militia, it’s a reserve army force. You can make an argument that armed populace would have changed something, I’m not so sure it would make an iota of difference outside of scale of bloodshed, but I can concede this point

    Tbh I’m explaining the reasoning from my understanding, I’m not defending it. I kinda doubt they’ve foreseen internal rot reaching such heights to require second revolution. Something to learn from for future comrades :)

    why I cannot numerate paragraphs :angery: