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  • hazefoley [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah grew up solidly PMC, dad was a salesman eventually moved up to VP. Not rich enough for me to fuck off with a trust fund, but we were never uncomfortable.

    I dropped out school and started a business. Business failed and I essentially got bought by my partners parents who took on the 5 figure in debt that I had personally gaurenteed. Now I'm driving Uber and applying to like 20 jobs a week.

    If I had a reset I'd switch out of my business major track into something I actually felt inspired by. I'm honestly glad the business failed because it turned me into a fucking asshole small business tyrant. I was miserable and constantly stressed, gained like 70lbs and developed a minor drinking habit in the 3 years I did it. I see this current period in my life as a sort of penance. We used the shitty private contractor loophole and absolutely exploited people who were desperate. I was actually listening to Citations Needed and posting in the sub toward the end there. Deluded myself into thinking I could do good capitalism. Once it was all over I shed all those illusions and dove head first into radicalization

    Planning on going back to school once things are back to normal if I can't find a solid job in the meantime.

    • grisbajskulor [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Thanks for sharing. The penance aspect is real, I did actually leave college to work a minimum wage job in the "passion" field I studied for. I kinda hated it at the time, but being surrounded by a varying degree of working class people changed my worldview and made me feel more like a participant in society rather than a leech.

      Best of luck with school. Your journey is weirdly inspiring, I hope you come out on the other side feeling better and better <3