NYT expose on the FTI group organizing all these fake grass roots energy groups, Like Texas moms who love propane. In this section they detail the methods they use to distract from meaningful conversations on environmental message boards.

  • plantifa [they/them]
    4 years ago

    (new archetype!)

    lmao, what is this a TCG setlist?

    Losing my shit, w/ the 'Patronizing Voice of Reason' as just straight up how these bougie ghouls respond to unaddressed societal concerns in the US. These fucks would happily let us all die from environmental disasters or a fascist uprising while giving us the snarky 'I-know-better-than-you' lib attitude from the safety of their insulated communities.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    4 years ago

    there should be a reddit disruption game where you just respond with name of the commenter's archetype

  • Dumpster_fire_pants [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    I remember way back when, finding the documentary 'spin' online. Blew my mind. Then of course manufacturing consent, all that Adam Curtis stuff.. Perception management is as old as not allowing peasants to read the Bible, but lately these companies have are in overdrive. Seriously the only war that matters now is the information war. Get out your shitposting molotovs comrades it's ours to win

  • VHS [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Wow, this is comically evil. Incidentally, shit like this is why rightists label anything left-leaning as shills, taking Soros bucks, etc. Almost anything right-wing billed as "grassroots" is big corporate, and they project that on us.

  • D61 [any]
    4 years ago

    Dog Typing on a Keyboard...
