No one actually fucking likes him, right? None of us were excited to cast that vote or we just wanted Trump out, right. Like at the end of the day, that is the win, that Trump is no longer going to be president for another four years. But I really urge everyone to understand that we elected a old white dude that is a career politician deeply rooted in pro-war neoliberal philosophies. Not just not having Trump isn't enough.

And I'm really also tired of people being like "well we got to get a Democrat in, because we can fight, as the left we can push Democrats and get them to do the things we want them to do". Which is what you say every fucking election and it never works. - Anita Sarkeesian on the election

  • Rem [she/her]
    4 years ago

    That's what really blew my mind, like I knew she was a gamer bogeywoman (I actually thought she was the woman from Gamergate because I couldn't be assed to keep this stuff straight) but when I read her "incredibly offensive sjw" stuff it was literally just baby's first media criticism.

    No shade, it's good to make content that's digestible for people who have no experience analyzing media, but it was crazy to me how takes as inoffensive as "video games are marketed toward men and this is reflected in their content as X Y and Z" were treated as if they were these wild inflammatory statements.

    • PeterTheAverage [he/him]
      4 years ago

      And the weird thing is that guys like Sargon and Thunderfoot will even say "Yeah no shit games are marketed towards men, that's capitalism" but then still completely lose their minds over her videos.