• AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
      4 years ago

      I read something along the lines of the prequels turned the whole series into a family drama instead of a galaxy-spanning adventure :/ why does fucking everyone have to be related to everyone else in star wars? There's literally trillions of beings in the galaxy!

        • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
          4 years ago

          ughhhhhhh why did they make Han Solo distantly related to like the Corellian royal family holy fuck. That's the most upsetting one for me. And the whole mandalorian expanded universe was cringe, yeah this nearly extinct warrior culture definitely needs implicated in every single going-on in the galaxy

          I do like the EU breakup of the Empire way better tho---shades of the chinese warlord period (with way too many goddamn superweapons, but we'll ignore that)

            • WetAssPossum [they/them,ey/em]
              4 years ago

              I really enjoyed all the new films. They're fun and they piss off annoying nerds. It's a damn crying shame that Finn and Poe didn't kiss. Let the gays kiss! Solo as a story kinda sucks, but the actors all do a great performance, Don Glover did a fantastic job of being a flamboyant young Lando.

            • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
              4 years ago

              Solo is worth a watch for Alden Ehrenrech, he really pulls off Han Solo imo, and its really impressive to me considering the cultural weight that character pulls. It's not a great movie in whole but he really did good. I didn't like Mandalorian for a buncha reasons but they're using some really cool tech to make it and the production generally is sleek as fuck for TV.

              Rogue One is a crime against the humanity of Peter Cushing and we will have a revolutionary tribunal to punish those involved.

                • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  Every few months I calm down about this, and every time I remember I get unconscionably pissed. The logical conclusion of IP law is corporations just owning people via increasingly complex legalese but I just can't believe it happened so soon and that no-one could tell Disney no. They aren't even a monopoly yet but unchallenged ownership of a deceased persons visage is something we have to accept?

                  Edit: And it was PETER CUSHING man was a ** giant** of cinema, with a single bit part in the Grand Ole' Space Opery

            • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
              4 years ago

              Here are some takes:

              Rogue One was very boring imo, I found the characters to be kinda one-dimensional which sucked because if you're making things lower stakes then you need to rely more on the characters but the only one I cared about at all was the snarky droid. I nearly just stopped watching halfway through.

              I literally just watched Solo and I'd heard it was awful so I had rock-bottom expectations going in which led me to actually enjoy it. It definitely has a lot of dumb flaws but at least it was kinda fun.

              Rise of Skywalker was pretty forgettable, like not good but not aggressively bad, just kinda, events happen and tbh I don't remember what the events were or what impression they gave me or anything. It just kinda exists I guess.

              The Mandalorian is probably the only one of new Star Wars stuff I'd actually recommend. I actually get excited whenever a new episode comes out, I love the score, I love the amosphere and the visuals, and I especially love that the focus is finally not on space wizard drama and we get to see more of what the galaxy is like for normal people. It definitely goes in its own direction so depending on which aspects of the franchise you like it might not appeal, but that in itself is cool imo because trying to please everyone all the time and never taking risks results in things being unoriginal or convoluted.