A lot of progressive leaning regions are actively trying to slowly legislate cars out of existence, see the camera system in the UK that's being sttacked by the so called "blade runners".

Fact is cars are real freedom, and the next time the government declares a pandemic and determines that public transit is too dangerous, a car is your only movement option for going outside of bike range.

the gubbermint is coming to steal our cars so we have to live in their bicycle dystopia brainworms.

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I honestly think that Trashfuture had the best theory of why the anglos are so irrational about this. If you are below the age of 60 and live in Britain, you've gotten used to the neoliberalism permeating government to such an extent that any time the government says it's going to do something to help you, they just inevitably make it 10 times worse. Like seriously, you can probably count on one hand the amount of times that the UK government has tried to help people and actually delivered a positive outcome. A bunch of municipalities across the UK (counties or w/e they're called) also used the supposed "15-minute city" moniker to justify their austerity, in a sort of advanced type of greenwashing.

    So i reckon it's primarily because all these people have ever known is an unresponsive, unhelpful piece of shit government, where no matter the party in power, nothing ever gets better. Also enduring a brutal 1½ decade of austerity that basically removed the most public service from the people who needed it, and people rightfully are deathly afraid of anything that promises to change things for the better. They simply have no more trust in the instutions of the state, and just wants the government to fuck off, since it's perceived as something that destroys anything it touches.

    • FloridaBoi [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Don’t forget that anti-walkable cities so-called support is likely astroturfed. These “people” voicing their concerns get an awful lot of media coverage

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I think also there is the deserved feeling that the UK government is incapable of successfully accomplishing a task