Credit to Jon McNaughton, Trump-pilled oil painter who is definitely not mad.
If you've been at the table for half an hour and haven't figured out who the patsy is...
I disagree with the artist that the front row right person is Cory Booker, when it's clearly Jeff Bezos.
Unironically one of my favorite paintings
I also like this one where the wife comes in and gets mad at her husband for gambling
Biden is definitely copping a feel on Harris and Pete is still cheating, so that checks out.
Communist Illuminati lamp. Cory Booker somehow drawn even Whiter than he actually is. I like how Warren is looking somewhere no one else is.
I don't understand where this painting is coming from. I assume it's trying to convey that democrats are bad, but how? Why so many dogs?
Jon is such a str8 pinp and a certified legend.
Satirists can't make something funnier than this:
The more you look at this one the more insane you become. It has an eldritch quality.
And his most famous is of course this one. Every exmormon from the last decade has a memory about realizing how insane their community is for not seeing any problem with this painting.
Honestly, I always think of the parody of that last one when I think about McNaughton.