narwhal-bacon ancestry

  • RandyLahey [he/him]
    4 years ago

    A number of years ago, I went to watch a late session of Rocky Horror at the movies with some friends. We didn't really know the deal, except that there was some sort of cult following around it.

    There was a group of people in the cinema with all the dressup and the props etc, and they were all reciting "sarcastic quip" responses in unison to whatever was being said on screen. It was clear that there was some Official Joke Script for this movie that they'd all memorised, but there was clearly no joy in their voices any more. They'd repeated these same canned responses to these same lines so many times that they'd lost all meaning, there was just a bored emptiness clinging to a rather desperate note of smugness that they were part of an in-group because they knew the rote responses to all the trigger phrases.

    Always kinda made me think of reddit.