And why is it the business plot?

  • qublics [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    Liberal psychiatry exists as an apparatus of social exclusion.

    By pathologising psychic injury, discontent, queerness, neurodiversity (even aging and physical disability via ableism), the masses are discouraged from listening to or associating with those most marginalized under capitalism.
    Its end result is that these people mostly die alone and isolated, such that their misery does not form the basis of widespread anger and opposition against the capitalist system.

    In addition, by means of social stigma (perpetuated by liberal psychiatry itself ), ordinary people are made to collaborate in their own oppression, by choosing silence about their suffering.
    In this way there is a massive scale concealment of the misery produced by the capitalist state.

    But most cringe of all is when people who have psychic injuries are open about it, when they express creativity, talk honestly, or gather into happy healthy supportive communities; these safe spaces it seems must be destroyed at all costs.
    More so those expressing their misery, insight, diversity, let alone health and happiness openly must be bullied off the internet.

    It is within liberal culture that we find precisely this nightmare combination: an insistence on positivity, and a deference to psychiatry such that even voices of patient advocacy organizations, the people most intimately knowledgeable about their own condition are silenced.
    In addition to this, within more conservative cultures, psychological care itself is also stigmatized; this creates a wonderful situation where attacking liberal psychiatry and its evils is misconstrued as denying suffering/care or denying efficacy of specific treatments.

    Like all oppressive ideologies and propaganda, liberal psychiatry contains just enough a grain of truth, and contribution to charity, that people can believe in its functional claims: that of justifying social exclusion, and denying bodily sovereignty.
    Liberal psychiatry is in this sense much like an organized religion: it justifies itself via a bag of tricks upon the mind. How can it be wrong if it makes people feel better?

    The supposedly mentally ill need to be avoided until they heal, as if they have some contagion, as if they are violent against anyone besides their oppressors.
    Need people remember the history of psychiatric violence, with asylums, conversion therapies, internment without trial, experimentation, systematic defamation of those making abuse accusations; the discontents, much like anarchists or protestors, are violent and dangerous people.

    What exactly is it that the liberal establishment turns against protestors, even against black people, and uppity women, if not the accusation of being mentally unwell? Can we only recognize a weapon when it it turned against ourselves?

    And by all these means there is a rolling release extermination, via destitution, homelessness, withheld healthcare, distributed violence, and outright eugenics; and through stigma this exists detached from society at large.
    What better time than a pandemic to throw marginalized people into the streets:

    Why, if ordinary people are so healthy and so prosperous, are they unable to bare the complaints of those suffering?
    It is because, in large part: everyone suffers, as liberals are so willing to say in silencing, but so unable to admit as resulting from exploitation, extermination, and their own internalized oppression.

    The first step in committing abuse is always isolation of its victim.

    What else can systemic exclusion produce but erasure in such times?


    • qublics [they/them,she/her]
      4 years ago

      I feel like I got somewhat off track from my most important point: it is a rolling release extermination.
      The whole point is to kill (and incarcerate) these discontents, so they cannot organize into resistance.

      If you sum up the number of people that die in destitution, or that are suffering in social isolation, you have an army.

      Liberal psychiatry functions to tell these people individually first: no, no, you're not oppressed, you're just sick!
      And second: don't listen to them, they're certifiably crazy!