hes helped me through a really rough period of time in my life. hes giving me tutoring lessons on various subjects. he rubs me, makes me food, and brings me chocolate when im freaking out from ptsd. we both hate capitalism. and hes just... amazing. oh and he's a beefcake himbo
i had my doubts about him at first, he wasnt good at making first impressions. but i dont think ive ever had anyone pour everything theyve got into me before. it makes me wanna cry. i have no idea how i deserved any of this
like i had people who loved me and i loved them back and we're still good friends. but this guy... he's bringing it all to another level
im probably gonna buy him some dorky book he likes and mention i got it signed by the author and then write 'will you marry me' on the inside
and maybe actually get it signed by the author but tbh id like to flex on him by NOT getting it signed
This is a wonderful idea! I still have all the scavenger notes that my wife did, they’re like some of my most prized possessions.