For example I was the right age to get indoctrinated by pragerU, JBP, and the SJW cringe compilations, I live in a super conservative area, I did boy scouts until I was 18, my hobbies include fishing, shooting, cars (cringe but vroom makes seratonin), and camping, like wtf

  • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    The question is ultimately what your parents are, the millenial and zoomer children of shitlib parents have essentially all become at least socdems. Young shitlibs tend to have Republican parents or just like work in political shit.

    Hobbies and shit don't actually matter, only absolute freaks become more right wing than their parents (for reasons unrelated to career advancement that is). Although there are also left wing edge lords, kinda weird to see a 15 year old be like north korea good as they don't have the framework to properly analyze that shit for themselves.