For example I was the right age to get indoctrinated by pragerU, JBP, and the SJW cringe compilations, I live in a super conservative area, I did boy scouts until I was 18, my hobbies include fishing, shooting, cars (cringe but vroom makes seratonin), and camping, like wtf
I did read a lot of Calvin and Hobbes and listen to Flobots and also read the monkey wrench gang when I was in elementary school
It is. I believe your revilation was 100% on the money as they say. Wish more Christians could see the light
Do you ever think about the Antichrist? I'm not religious anymore, but it occurred to me that the unholy combination of capitalism, bigotry and prosperity gospel bullshit we refer to as the "religious right" perfectly fits the concept.
empathy for people outside your immediate social circle
thats the prerequisite, and if you have it, sliding leftward is an inevitability
The bottom fell out of my political beliefs in 2016 when Hillary was nominated, Trump won and these assholes who got off saying the n word and triggering libs at universities ruled the internet.
I'm just glad it happened when I was 15 and a Hillary administration didn't keep me on the hook until some latter date.
Once when I was like 8 I was asked in school what I thought was the worst invention ever created. 8 year old me replied "Money, because it makes people greedy". I was bound to end up here eventually.
Most people can rattle off the quip "Money is the root of all evil".
Smart^TM people will tell you that the akshual quote is "The love of money is the root of all evil".
People who have studied economics know that money doesn't function if people don't acquire it for its own sake, i.e. have a love of it.
I'm kinda curious what I would have said my reasons for looking up communist stuff was back when I was in 7th grade, but I guess it shoehorned into the edgy part of downloading the anarchist cookbook and is all probably partially to do with that whole edgy phase being me trying to finally figure out that I'm trans.
It's a shame Phone Phreaking isn't a thing anymore. RIP free calls. :(
My father is a Marxist and I was given the name of a prominent leftist- it was a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Same hobbies here but instead of cars I was into dirt bikes.
I think it's just the realization that something is severely fucked up, no jobs, no Healthcare, rich people not paying taxes or going to jail ever while the people around me are living off peanut butter sandwiches.
Material conditions and the inability to stop wars no matter how hard we voted radicalized me
I was like 12-13? when all the anti-SJW videos were popular and like an impressionable kid tends to do, I swallowed those videos and hateful ideas up. I was disgusted by trans people and thought communism was degeneracy etc etc. I honestly don’t know how I turned into an anarchist transfem SJW
I was in a similar position but then I discovered I wasn't cis and it was all over. I think I literally discovered the chapo sub through memes getting crossposted to r/traaa, then found the pod, and then found proles of the round table before that blew up
The question is ultimately what your parents are, the millenial and zoomer children of shitlib parents have essentially all become at least socdems. Young shitlibs tend to have Republican parents or just like work in political shit.
Hobbies and shit don't actually matter, only absolute freaks become more right wing than their parents (for reasons unrelated to career advancement that is). Although there are also left wing edge lords, kinda weird to see a 15 year old be like north korea good as they don't have the framework to properly analyze that shit for themselves.
Makes sense, my parents were the liberal black sheep of their families