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  • transcutie69 [ze/hir]
    4 years ago

    No, you're just a severely mentally ill person who's prone to regular histrionic, drugged-up outbursts and chronic attention-seeking behavior. The bulk of the normal people here (or, well, as "normal" as chapos can be) find your constant gaslighting and wanton drug use and begging and subsequent lashing-out to be repulsive, even if they won't say so as directly for fear of violating the rules of the hugbox.

    I myself, on the old sub, took pity on you once and strongly recommended that you get the fuck out of Portland, which is one of the most expensive cities in America, and build yourself back up by moving to somewhere cheap like a Midwestern college town, where you can get a relatively new and lice-free apartment in a nice neighborhood for well under $400/mo. You told me that you'd rather not leave because "your job" (a minimum-wage position as a 7-Eleven clerk, at which you apparently have to smoke meth every day to function) is keeping you there.

    Yet now, almost a year later, you're homeless again --- by choice, which is thoroughly stupid this time of year --- and have spent nearly every week of 2020 begging the far-too-generous chapo paypigs for meth money or, as you call it, "bill money," naturally after throwing away your paycheck on drugs and the dumbest shit imaginable, like $20 takeout meals or cash handouts to other hobos or $100+ gifts to your loser roommates (who, in your own words, hate you) that they subsequently blow on weed or computer upgrades.

    You've had every opportunity in the world to get your shit together, both mentally and financially, and an entire community of useful idiots to uncritically support you on both fronts, time and time again for years, even despite the fact that you regularly antagonize and insult them. Yet you refuse to take even the most obvious, uncontroversial advice, and instead would rather blame everyone and everything else in the world for your own deeply personal failures. Take a moment and consider that.

    (PS: I jokingly blamed a stupidpol offshoot but lol, nah, it was one of our fellas on the cumtown board who phished you. He posted about it a few weeks ago the last time someone made a thread about your latest breakdown. Was worth a good chuckle, though I think we banned him anyway for trying to doxx one of our admins. Nonetheless, consider yourself chapo checked.)

    • c6cain6jih6d [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I make almost $15/hour and I'm almost an assistant manager. And I don't work at 7-11.

      And I've said this over and over again: I do not fundraise to buy drugs. If any actual human beings want proof, I will DM screenshots of my receipts for my fucking phone bill that I fundraised for.

      Go fuck yourself. Your account is a day old and you can't even keep up the "I'm a Chapo poster" bit.

      • transcutie69 [ze/hir]
        4 years ago

        "Almost $15/hour" is abject poverty, especially in a city where you need to spend hundreds a month just to live in the basement of a slum with two other people. You could make just as much or more in a much cheaper city, and actually get your shit together, but you won't since you've deluded yourself into thinking (among other things) that there's any life worth living in Portland.

        And I know you chapo types generally aren't very good with economics, but are you familiar with the concept of the fungibility of money? If you make $1,400 a month and then get, say, $300 in donations, and have a necessary expense total of like $1,200, you should be able to not only get by, but in fact save $200 before any donations. Yet you consistently post about all the drugs you buy and use, and all the takeout and unnecessary shit you buy, and all the random handouts you give to other people, and all the money you willingly give to your loser roommates even though you know they'll blow it on dumb shit.

        Which means that if you need hundreds of dollars a month in assistance, you're clearly spending well beyond your means, which means that yes, you are in fact fundraising for drugs, among your many other terrible habits. You may not see it that way, since no addict ever does, but if you spend $100 on meth and then need to beg for $50 for your phone bill, then yes, you are asking these rubes to subsidize your meth purchase. This is not a difficult concept.