Like, I see this very frequently here. People are making some really nasty "jokes" and endlessly complaining about white women and white girls etc, and it's just so obvious so much of the time that the "white" thing is just a facade to hide the sexism. Like seriously, when you make jokes about how girls fuck dogs or whatever, but you specify WHITE girls, it's still garbage incel humour. It's always white women this, white women that. Like, why do you feel such a pressing need to specify they're women? At times like this it just shows how male this sub is. And not just male, but also very white, which makes it even cringier when people do le epic white women thing.

  • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
    4 years ago

    but white women have literally tried to ruin my life. again, just my experience but yeah

    So I remember a lot of people talking about the whole "Karen" meme about white women being nasty to service industry people was low key misogynistic because it focused on white women. But I'll echo this sentiment, customers of all stripes can be awful, but white women do seem to have this bizarre vindictiveness and cruelty that make them stand out. Men will yeah their heads off and and become angry red and nude, but seem to forget about it after a few hours. White women will go on weeks long vendettas against some 19 year old dude who ordered her the wrong sized canning jars, to the point they'll figure out what high school he went to and start sending emails to the principal about how he "sexually harassed" her (true story).

    • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
      4 years ago

      White women being vindictive and cruel towards service workers is the gendered version of white men doing all that they do.

    • Sus_fecal_testes [it/its]
      4 years ago

      Lets use some chud logic here and take that same anecdote and apply it to other ethnicity+genders. "Indian men tend to do this" "Mexican women seem to do____ negative thing".