couldnt be me 😭

edit: hey btw guys i know it's cool to self indulge into these sorta things and joking about them but i thought we could maybe talk about it more seriously, ok, sorry, if you still wanna joke it's cool too

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    4 years ago

    My life for like half a decade is just random highs and lows. Sometimes I feel normal, I'll make plans and shit but the very next day, for no particular reason I just can't find the energy to follow up on the plans happy me made. It's a domino effect too cause then I feel awful for flaking or just not being engaging if I do end up going out or whatever.

    Plus a lot of my friends are mature now and want to talk stocks, buying a house and kids, all the stuff people with their shit together talk about I guess and I just check out if those convos hard and it makes me feel so fucking bad because I can't contribute to the discussion and it makes me feel like a bad friend. I can hold the convo a bit but it's mind numbing, I literally don't and haven't ever once cared how a certain stock is doing

      • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Oh I for sure do, I don't let it control me and also have been doing much better since around when trump and co hard corona, it was the best I felt in a long time so I started working out more and eating better and just not wallowing away doing nothing when I finally had energy. So I kept at it and started getting more sun and just trying to maintain that vibe. It's just one of those things that happens and I use to just let it, but I've found ways to combat it so it doesn't happen too often anymore. The motivation wasn't there for too long, and fuck not doing anything about it

        Also stopped using IG and facebook and maybe spend 15 mins tops on reddit besides Askhistory, which I enjoy a lot. Basically just trying to cut out things including certain people who would contribute to the suck. Also I stopped obsessively reading climate science stuff, that too was a big help