Like I have any money to spend on things.

    • Diddykongisapokemon [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yup. And unfortunately, as much as I critically support China, they're policies are overall more conservative than the USSR (no universal healthcare, for instance), so it doesn't shift the overton window as much. Especially since China is nowhere near Western European capitalist countries geographically

        • Diddykongisapokemon [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Not universal healthcare, no. They were working on making it a reality by 2020 but then they got hit by the pandemic.

          They so have basic healthcare for regular check-ups and such, and I'm fairly certain that extended to the pandemic, but I believe surgery and certain prescriptions still costs money. Cheaper than the US for sure (at least in raw cost, you have to keep in mind that China still has a lower GDP per capita), but not free.

          At the same time, it's important that within living memory even going to the hospital at all was a luxury in China