Like I have any money to spend on things.

  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    The one and only time i worked black friday i took an edible beforehand and showed up around 11pm thanksgiving for an overnight/midnight shift. I was high as fuck the entire shift, and since i was working as basically the cart attendant, that just meant i got to go wander around the store while my boss was too busy to supervise me. Anyway i remember being high as fuck just making loops around the store pretending i was 'putting things in order' while there was a festival of human misery around me

    • Diddykongisapokemon [he/him]
      4 years ago

      You know I honestly thought the corporations would have made some stupid #resistance "BLM Friday" this year but apparently they don't even care about extra profits from performative wokeness that much.