My brother is a liberal. Feelsbadman 😔

  • ComradeBongwater [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Do people expect others to go from chud to full-tilt ML in one fell swoop?

    There's no easy way to debunk a lifetime of propaganda in a short period of time.

    Chances are I'll be called a lib for this, but the lib to left pipeline is a net positive for our goals. John Oliver is shit, but he's converted some chuds I know to being libs, which is a mild improvement. Vaush is shit, but he's convinced some libs to be socdems. If you catch your libby friends saying that they like hasan's content, don't discourage them from watching ready to give them their next baby step.

    Most of these creators have shit views, but we need a pipeline just like the fash have. Class consciousness won't just appear by calling everyone a lib. Put the fucking work in. It's the absolute least you can do.