
I haven't even gotten into any real arguments recently, it's pretty obviously from that post.

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Honestly I don't have anything against CN. I never listened to it. But I've had people on here criticize other podcasts for ties with the deepstate then say CN is good. It took two minutes of googling to find this. Either everyone is a spook or nobody is. I'm not putting up with this "my fav podcast is legit but everyone else is an op" shit. Personally I don't care. Nobody I've listened to has steered me away from the left, or steered me into passivity, or did anything particularly spooky. Other than make money doing their job. If a group of podcasts brings down the leftist project then we deserve it.

      • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
        4 years ago

        It doesn't matter. Will, Brace, or Robert being CIA does not chang anything. People are trying to shame others over listening to a podcast because the host has bad opinions. But bad opinions isn't enough to actually change anyone's mind. So then we have to do this thing where it's "well you're enjoying imperialism and endangering the left if you listen to them." Just like the libs roll out idpol on a dime when someone does a wrongthink. And because some people's entire interaction with politics is twitter screenshots on chapo.chat, they think that matters. They think saying dumb things on twitter is carrying out imperialism. There's a screenshot on the front page laughing at a lib for saying tweeting is violence, but then we have people who think tweeting is carrying out the mission of imperialism. It's the same shit. Worse than that, they don't even know what was actually tweeted, but they heard it from reading comments on chapo.chat or r/cth. So now we're full simulacrum and it gets blown up. All it really boils down to is petty infighting between tendencies.

    • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
      4 years ago

      I enjoy all of the podcasts I've mentioned and listen to them regularly. They're still spooks.