
I haven't even gotten into any real arguments recently, it's pretty obviously from that post.

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    Someone should actually DM this to Brace and see if he can turn it into an episode. There's definitely more to it than the r/CTH angle.

    • emizeko [they/them]
      4 years ago

      the Chapo hosts would probably give him shit for it

    • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
      4 years ago

      Now's the time because the heat has died down from the subreddit/Chapo host beef and "reddit censorship" by the CIA is a big deal, should be right up TrueAnon's ally, if they weren't spooks themselves.

      Edit: Unironically, Brace is a spook who went to Syria to negotiate with the YPG and give them arms on behalf of the US.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    4 years ago

    can confirm the post was removed by "Anti-Evil Operations" according to the moderation log


      • emizeko [they/them]
        4 years ago

        no, I believe it's the opposite. presumably Jayfeather69 is the reddit admin from the "Anti-Evil Operations" team that removed it. (I always have to quote that name because it's so fucking stupid and reminds me of Bardfinn ranting)

        EDIT: I misread it, Jayfeather's the user who posted it. but if I had to guess it was probably flagged for review because of having Ashooh's name in it and then manually removed

          • coldbee [he/him,any]
            4 years ago

            expect to see the domain chapo.chat banned across reddit soon

            • cilantrofellow [any]
              4 years ago

              I feel like it’s worse than that. If they’re competent (debatable) they might start monitoring for potential brigading. Again debatable that seems like it would take some manpower to monitor a different website?

                • hotcouchguy [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  Brigading is when you have the wrong opinion in a place where they don't want to see it. Also reddit is all about free speech.

        • The_word_of_dog [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I wonder if it's a poor attempt to coopt antifa sentiments into an easier to liberalize anti-"whatever the fuck we say is evil" form

          Doubt it'll catch on though lol, but seems like that might be the idea

          • emizeko [they/them]
            4 years ago

            okay, that makes sense. I read it wrong, the "by" is who the post is by. I'm sorry for putting the name of your account

      • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
        4 years ago

        That is what they call when a post gets flagged by a bot for being potentially troublesome. Then a human has to approve the ban. Maybe reddit considers ChapoTr*phouse a slur against landlords.

      • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
        4 years ago

        Yes. For a while, reddit has done most of the website suspensions with a bot. A first, the bot checked after you got banned from a subreddit to see if you were evading another ban. Now they have changed it to autoban based on certain words as well. My hunch is the name "Jessica Ashooh" (and any other agent Power Words) triggers a Banhammer as well. Sleuths should keep an eye on people talking about bans for random articles, as they are probably stupid/lazy enough to have the ban accidently trigger if some article gets posted that involves somebody with the same name as an agent or if some agent's name is posted in an unrelated article.

        Also, Chapo itself (along with Citations Needed, TrueAnon, Cum Town, Red Scare, Street Fight, and the Trillbillies) is a CIA operation and part of the reason they nuked the subreddit is that the hosts hate the sub and vice versa.

        • SimAnt [any]
          4 years ago

          Chapo itself (along with Citations Needed, TrueAnon, Cum Town, Red Scare, Street Fight, and the Trillbillies) is a CIA operation

          tell me more

          • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
            4 years ago

            Will's grandpa was a rat/traitor in the 1950s. Brace was in Syria negotiating arms deals with the Kurds ("an American punk/drug addict who discovered Marx in rehab" is a laughably transparent cover story). Tom Sexton worked for the Clinton Foundation. Everyone else is friends they've met/recruited. Most of them use the same agent/manager (EDIT: Charles Reinhardt, former defense analyst for Canada, not James, Nick has let his name slip on Cum Town episodes) who I imagine is kind of like the mission overseer.

            • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
              4 years ago

              The Citations Needed guy takes Rockerfeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, and MacArthur foundation money. His media/PR office also has a location in DC. While not connected to the Chapoverse, Robert Evans works for Bellingcat.

              Pretty much every popular podcast has ties to something. Except ol' Dave Anthony. He's just a screaming ball of rage surrounded by spooks.

              • Sincerity [comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                I mean like... Its not enough to judge the content of the shows?

                I don't feel anything particular subversive in the topics of Citations Needed for example. In fact it's very good, very well presented and digestable insight into relevant issues

                  • cilantrofellow [any]
                    4 years ago

                    I agree I don’t think this is some grand conspiracy, if not in small part because I don’t want it to be. But one possible reason would be to have some control of opposition and having the power to say “slow down let’s think about this” in an emergency is invaluable if leftist insurgence appears inevitable no matter what you do.

                • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  Robert Evans is a spook because he works for a place that receives funding from the government. Nima works for a company that gets funding from obviously deep state organizations and works with them. You can't have it both ways.

                    • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                      4 years ago

                      He advised some federal agents on 4chan and 8chan years ago. Stop playing a game of telephone with the facts.


                      Can you point to the articles that say how the Soviet Union was bad, China bad, Stalin sucks, and how awesome the military is? Or can you only point to some bad twitter takes that you wouldn't have even seen if some other exasperated poster pointed it out? Have you asked yourself what you're upset about? Evans is 100% a spook because you heard from a guy who quoted a guy who posted about how one time something happened with feds. And you saw a twitter screenshot. But a guy who's VP of a company who works with the Clinton Foundation and other obvious fronts for the deepstate is just a low level coffee boy. Absolute mental gymnastics because a lib anarchist insulted tankies. And anyone who says dumb shit about tankies must be a CIA agent and not just wrong.

                        • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                          4 years ago

                          No, it’s more about them doing propaganda and intel work against official US enemiew, regardless of ideology.

                          So you're not mad at RE for personally writing propaganda and intel work against US enemies, you're mad that someone else does it. If the company he works for does it, an RE is accountable for that then the other guy is responsible for what his company does too.

                            • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                              4 years ago

                              He's talking about when he went overseas to Syria and Ukraine. When you travel to do conflict journalism, the US military is there. And that's probably why he has more of a gray view on the military than we do. A soldier never protected me. He's been in a firefight. While you can criticize his inability to be more objective about that, it's not indicative of him being a fed. Once again, this game of telephone stuff. People reading without context and then making assumptions. Just like how all his detractors here are convinced he's writing all this propaganda for Bellingcat about how US imperialism is cool and good when all he's written is shit on neo-nazis. But because they heard he made a jab about the USSR once in his podcast and he said something bad about tankies on twitter, he must be ascribed with a set of attributes by those scorned. Nuance doesn't exist when you insult a ML. And you're taking him praising his coworkers about the work on white supremacy. What am I gandering?

                              He got in a shit fight with Ben Norton on twitter? So what?

                              Edit: https://twitter.com/IwriteOK/status/1287951202735370241?s=20

                              Literally explaining what that tweet you pointed out meant. You should take a gander with me.

                                • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                                  4 years ago

                                  And all of this is a diversion from you having to defend your claims about all of those other podcasts being full of spooks. Do you have anything to say about any of that, or are you just going to keep honing in on this one tweet?

                                  You brought up the tweets. And as I just pointed out in another post, you don't understand what I was doing this whole time. You and a select few are absolutely obsessed with Robert's twitter because that's all you have to cling to. Because working for someone is brainwashing leftists. And taking an unpaid consultant job to teach law enforcement about neonazis on the internet is working with feds to shoot protesters. And saying Assad gassed someone isn't just a wrong thing people say all the time, but it's actively and knowingly or being a useful idiot for imperial propaganda. Literally all this is said on twitter. A fucking psyop of a website in itself.

                                  Read the full context next time before jumping in a thread.

                                    • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                                      4 years ago

                                      Didn't you just say

                                      The content of BTB, even if you were to listen uncharitably, is fine 99.999999% of the time. Yes, that’s true, and it’s also irrelevant.

                                      So is his podcast relevant or not. A minute ago it was bellingcat that's the op, not him or his podcast. Did you just look that up? Surely you didn't.

                                      Also why are you editing your first posts after these latest posts? What you trying to pull?

                      • Abraxiel
                        4 years ago

                        I appreciate your dedication to applying consistent standards while everyone projects a position onto you. I think.

                • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  Nima. He's VP of Spitfire Strategies, which is a PR/media company.

                  " Nima is also editor-at-large for Muftah, the digital foreign affairs magazine and a member of the Gulf/2000 Project, an academic forum and online resource service sponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. He co-hosts Citations Needed, the popular media criticism podcast, and a 2020 Webby Awards Honoree in podcasts: news & politics."


                  "The Gulf/2000 Project web site "was developed by the Gulf/2000 Project at the School of International and Public Affairs of Columbia University in New York City. It is designed to make available in a single location a wealth of information on the eight countries of the Persian Gulf region--Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates."

                  "The Gulf/2000 Project is sponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University in New York City. Major funding for the project has been provided by the W. Alton Jones Foundation and the Ford Foundation, with additional support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and The Open Society Institute. The project is not associated with any government. "


                  "Clients for the firm include numerous left-leaning nonprofits. Among these are: the 11th Hour Project, Advance Family Planning, Advancement Project, Alliance for Justice, Amnesty International, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Aspen Institute, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Brookings Institution, Change Center for Health and Gender Equality, Color of Change, Conservation International, the Constitution Project, the David and Lucille Packard Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Greenpeace, Human Rights Campaign, Humane Society International, Media Democracy Fund, the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Open Society Foundations, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, Progressive States Network, Sierra Club, the Tides Foundation, United Nations Foundation, and the World Wildlife Fund. [5]"



                        • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                          4 years ago

                          There goes the goal posts. From "Robert Evans is 100% a spook" to "He might not even be a spook but he might as well be." Also being VP of a PR firm (PR being an industry of propaganda invented by capitalists) and working with fronts of the deep state is not doing service to empire? C'mon jack.

                            • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                              4 years ago

                              The Bill Gates Foundation does imperialism. Do you know what they've done in India? How do you compartmentalize what these people do from what Bellingcat does? I seriously don't get it. It's like you're using a special definition of helping imperial capitalism and propaganda and useful idiot that arbitrarily excludes the CN guy.

                              So being #2 at a PR company that does PR work (propangada) for the philanthropic and activist front groups of capital imperialism is better than being one of dozens of journalists who work for a company that gives handies to the state department despite the journalist not directly creating propaganda through said company and instead is saying lib things on twitter?

                              Again, mental gymnastics. For the last time, by the standards you are using to claim Evans is CIA, pretty much every popular leftist podcast is a psyop. And once again, I don't even care. Because politics don't happen in podcasts. If they all came out tomorrow with a group photo and Langley it wouldn't matter. Being a CIA podcaster doesn't do anything to the left. The content of BTB, even if you were to listen uncharitably, is fine 99.999999% of the time. Same with Chapo and TrueAnon and probably CN. The things they have said that are true don't stop being true because they're all CIA.

                              If the CIA wants to stop the left they're not going to make podcasts. They're going to fucking kill us. Because that's what they did in the past. They would hand us motolovs and tell us to join militias and show us how to make bombs. They would arm right wingers and point them at us. Podcasts do not matter. But if you're going to disparage someone, then be consistent.

                                • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                                  4 years ago

                                  But even still, even assuming that Evans is completely innocent, how does this make these other podcasters spooks?

                                  That's the point. Now do it the other way around and you'll get it.

                                  The concern I have with Evans is that, ideologically, he is more supportive of the American state, despite its propensity toward fascism, than he is of anti-imperialist government, socialist governments and movements in the global south (see his “skepticism” about claims that there was a coup in Bolivia), and “tankies”, i.e. the communists he doesn’t like.

                                  Your concerns are just someone being wrong. Why are you concerned that someone is wrong? His podcast isn't preaching these wrong views. He spends so much time working against fascism. He's put himself face to face with fascists. But because he's not as critical of something as you are, he's tacitly supporting the thing you don't support and therefore supporting the thing he obviously doesn't support. See how that works?

                                  Then why have you been insisting, from the beginning, that all these podcasts are psyops or filled with spooks?

                                  Bruh the reason why you've been arguing with me is because you missed the point from the beginning.

                                  Propaganda does matter, actually, which is why the US government does spend so many resources on disseminating it. There’s a reason why things like Radio Free Asia, Radio Free Europe, Radio Marti, etc. exist. It’s why operation Earnest Voice exists. It’s why that guy who makes YouTube videos critical of the American state got a visit by DHS. It’s why there’s an Atlantic Council spook working for Reddit. It’s why there’s so much astrotufing on the internet.

                                  The operations of the state against the left are multifaceted. They are not limited to direct violence, and they prefer to avoid that if possible for a number of reasons. Preventing people from becoming communists is just as if not more important than arming anti-communist death squads. Psyops exist for a reason. A single podcast might be small in the grand scheme overall, but the state absolutely has an interest in these things. If a podcast is actually a psyop, that’s worthy of concern. But also, there are standards of evidence that we should expect before fedjacketing them.

                                  None of these podcasts are propaganda for the US government. They all criticize it. All of them. And the shit the US government has done against communism in the past is physical infiltration, framing people, inciting violence, paying right wingers to kill left wingers, and plain harassment. The idea that they're disseminating propaganda by having Robert Evans say true things most of the time except for a few times on twitter and then working for a propaganda outlet, that he doesn't actually produce propaganda for, but complements on twitter, is pretty silly. I can't explain it any simpler.

                                  Buddy, that’s all you’ve been doing.

                                  Again, you completely missed the point and jumped in on something you didn't understand.

                                    • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                                      4 years ago

                                      No, it literally is not. Your first post was about how all of those podcasters are spooks.

                                      My first post was show you can come up with evidence on why someone is a spook. I know what I said I don't need you to quote it back at me. You're the one stumbling into a conversation that was already done and going off half-cocked.

                                      Reinforcing imperialist propaganda, while also working with the American and allied reactionary states, while also using his platform to shit on other socialists, is exactly the kind of behavior that you could expect from the “non-communist left” that the feds have a long history of supporting.

                                      How many people say wrong shit everyday? How many times have you said something wrong in your life? Saying wrong things isn't anything but being wrong. You're trying to paint this picture of Robert Being a CIA agent whose purpose is to spread imperialist propaganda. But does he use his podcast to do that? Nope. You already admitted things said in his podcast doesn't matter. Because it's about his job with bellingcat. So when I presented you with a list of his works for bellingcat and asked you to point out the propaganda he wrote, you refused. Instead you just threw up links to searches. So not only is Evans not using his podcast to spread imperialist propaganda, he's not even using his platform at the website made for spreading propaganda. So what does that leave? He's spreading propaganda by being occasionally wrong on twitter. He was jovial with his co-workers on twitter. That's it. Your entire argument boils down to being wrong on twitter.

                                      Oh wait, he worked with feds. So he's spreading propaganda of imperialism by teaching Feds about 4chan, for free. No, he's spreading propaganda by working with feds after a group of fascists became violent. He's actually helping fascism, according to you, by doing those things.

                                      Plus, all of this completely ignores the work he did before being employed by bellingcat. He hasn't worked for them all his life. He was doing the podcast and other things before writing for them. So the CIA couldn't even get him a job with bellingcat right at the start of his career?

                                      Now I'm arguing against him being a CIA agent, and you're criticizing me for calling everyone a CIA agent. Because you didn't pick up on the context of the conversation and instead assumed I was literally advocating everyone is an agent rather than showing how easy it is to accuse people of being an op.

                                      Will’s grandpa was a rat/traitor in the 1950s. Brace was in Syria negotiating arms deals with the Kurds (“an American punk/drug addict who discovered Marx in rehab” is a laughably transparent cover story). Tom Sexton worked for the Clinton Foundation. Everyone else is friends they’ve met/recruited. Most of them use the same agent/manager

                                      I didn't even write this. That was the other guy. Do you even know who you're arguing with?

                                      Bellingcat is the op.

                                      Then why the fuck wasn't he working there all along? He only proved himself after getting laid off from Cracked and doing a niche and fairly obscure leftist podcast for a year or two? Bellingcat was fine without him. It's wild how you don't see what you're doing here. You're making all these leaps and assumptions while trying to chastise me for making leaps and assumptions. Which I was only doing to make a point to people like you who make leaps and assumptions. I brought up Evans because I knew that eventually you guys would pop up. Because when the topic of CIA and podcasts come up, there you are to tell us how the guy who said tankies sux on twitter is an agent because he said something stupid about Assad/China/Russia/etc.

                                      And boy has this story changed. First he was 100% a spook. Then he's an unwilling dupe. First he actively spreads propaganda, then unintentionally, then not at all but he adds legitimacy to the place that does. First he's an agent now he's not the op, the place he works for is. This is exactly why I made the posts I made. Because I knew people like you were going to troll the comments eventually. You can't help yourselves. Do some self-crit, please.

                                        • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                                          4 years ago

                                          Evans doesn’t have to be on the CIA payroll or personally digging up the dirt on Iran or Russia or whatever to be a useful idiot for the feds.

                                          For the last fucking time that means fucking nothing because it's indistinguishable from simply being wrong. You're essentially saying having bad takes (according to some dweeb on chapo.chat) makes you a useful idiot for the feds. Address this point. Don't address anything else I have said. Either answer this problem directly or stop replying already. Because this is what it all comes down to.

                                          And stop replying to both threads. I'm not replying anymore to the other one.

                                            • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                                              4 years ago

                                              No, public figures are allowed to be wrong. Your carefully worded post to change "being wrong" to "echoing their lines" doesn't change that. Because "echoing their lines" as you know is just a stand in for being wrong. What you're saying is that any public figure who is wrong about foreign policy should be treated as a spook.

                                              Now, back to the original point. if you're willing to make that leap. If you're willing to say that simply being wrong on a platform or in public is aiding capitalist imperialism, then I can say that being #2 at a propaganda firm that propagandizes for the softer side of imperialism makes you a useful idiot too. And as you said, being a useful idiot is the same as being a spook. So consider Citations Needed your problematic fave and know you enjoy something that benefits capitalist imperialism. And you can't argue against it because they don't have to do it willingly. They can be true believers in their cause, and even be controlled opposition. But they provide a service to people who want to bag and tag POCs on foreign soil. They benefit from that. So they're normalizing that behavior and spreading it, even if unintentionally. I mean if I buy windows, I'm just buying a product. But that's not the same as making Bill Gate's experiments sound like philanthropy.

                                              I get to browbeat other leftists over their podcast consumption choices and be morally superior for pointing out how problematic their podcast host is. And if you disagree, then you're not a real leftist.

                                              /S since you missed it the first time.

                                                • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                                                  4 years ago

                                                  But what differentiates this behavior from Nima’s? Nima does not spread imperialist propaganda as VP of Spitfire. (Unless he does and there’s some specific evidence of this we haven’t seen.)

                                                  The point of PR is propaganda. Do you know the history of the PR industry? Spitfire's job is to create propaganda. Bellingcat's is to create it.

                                                  The Gates Foundation and the Brookings Institution do carry out imperialism, but not literally every single thing they do is part of that initiative.

                                                  Not everything Bellingcat does carries out that initiative. Sometimes they rightfully and truthfully cover stories.

                                                  Meanwhile, Nima co-hosts a podcast that does the exact opposite of that and actually propagandizes against those same groups. Nima spreads counter-imperialist propaganda, whereas Evans spread imperialist propaganda.

                                                  It doesn't matter what he personally believes. What matters is his company is serving the function anyways. Controlled opposition is a thing. Surely don't believe that saying the US is imperialist makes the CIA shook.

                                                  One is a useful idiot for US empire, doing a spook’s work to undermine international solidarity with victims of American imperialism,

                                                  This is just unfalsifable. For one you can't judge the impact of what Evans has said on relations between the US leftist project and Syria. And I don't expect you try. You'll just say that it's helping in some capacity that we can never know. If we never go to war with Syria over chemical weapons, it will always be a possibility due to the propaganda. If we do go to war for any reason or even some sort of skirmish, then it was because the propaganda helped it happen. There's no condition under which this can be wrong.

                                                  You also don't know what happened in Syria unless you were there. Either you don't know and you're just choosing the opposite of what the imperialists say out of principle. Or you have read some news or state messages that say it never happened. But you're relying on another government, another media with ties to that government. But you trust that more than the US government. So let's not pretend this is a case where there's some undeniable facts involved and you know for sure that Assad is just getting a bad wrap. Surely you understand that you can be leftist or a victim of imperialism and still do bad things. So what this comes down to is that you don't trust the State Department, and I'm not judging you on that. I don't either. Evans seems to trust them more than most leftists. So that's a point against him. But we're not talking about Evans cheering on military intervention in Syria. He certainly didn't want the US to abandon the Kurds (simplified version of events I know), but that's not the same as advocating for Iraq War 2: Syria.

                                                  His position isn't as aligned with the State Department's as you think. And I know this because I've listened to enough of his podcasts (all three) and watched his protest videos. I haven't listened to his Women's War or Portland Uprising specials yet. But his detractors cut out all nuance, as I said before. I've actually said he was wrong about Qaddafi when he made that stupid post about it, like I posted on his twitter. But again, there are shades of gray. You can believe that china is authoritarian and not support any real action against it. That doesn't support sanctions against China even if the State Department also says China is authoritarian.

                                                  So, once again, this comes down to you seeing someone being wrong, and then associating that wrongness with helping imperialism. There's no clear mechanism as to how this helps imperialism in this specific instance, nor can you quantify the effects. Ultimately that is a value judgement, or a moral judgment. Because supporting imperialism is wrong. If it wasn't then you wouldn't be complaining about it. So you're saying that Evans is doing something bad, willingly or not. And if I choose to listen to propaganda, what does that say about me? If I'm not so blindly critical that I write him off as a spook not worth listening to, then I'm doing something wrong. If I tell someone they should listen to BTB then I'm spreading propaganda too.

                                                  Now, if the latter isn't true. If I can be both a good leftist and not fall for propaganda while listening, then so can others. If you don't judge people about their podcast consumption, then you're not judging the act of consuming propaganda. If people can listen without the propaganda working...then it's not very good propaganda and not really that dangerous. If the propaganda doesn't actually change anything materially and if it doesn't cause political action, then what? I'm just critically listening to someone who's wrong sometimes. All this struggle over nothing. If you're worried about all the kiddies who won't be critical and just accept it because they trust his other stuff, then that's the lib argument about Russia. If some facebook memes bring us down then oh well. The real problem is teaching people to be critical, not demanding podcasts hosts with a few thousands listeners subscribe to a specific Marxist worldview and disagree with the government on everything. Just like Russia playing on racial tensions isn't the problem, it's having racial tensions to begin with.

                                                  As evil as the Gates Foundation et al. are, they do have interests that align with those goals, it’s just that they’re fundamentally limited by the capitalist framework and outweighed by the other fucked up stuff they do.

                                                  And Evans has interests that are completely incompatible with pretty much everything capitalist imperialists. Unless you think that they too want a bottom-up organization and all that stuff too. He works for a paper that lets him run with his work on right wing extremism.

                                                  There’s no comparison between the two of them.

                                                  There absolutely is. You're relaxing your standards for one and tightening them for another. You're implying that some small percentage of a podcast saying Assad bad is damaging how the left views Syria. You're saying getting at 1099 from bellingcat is spreading propaganda. You're saying that being wrong on one of the worst platforms for discussion is parroting propaganda. As if the entirety of Evan's views on foreign policy fit in a 240 character limit and perfectly match the State Department's plans. Or that they don't match but they're close enough to get people to the edge of distrusting Syria/China/Bolivia/Russia/etc so that the SD can push them over the edge and support imperialism.

                                                  I gotta go to bed man. I've been up for about 30 hours now. Your dislike or distrust of Evans is more tenuous than you're willing to admit. I really do not care about Nima. Them being CIA agents has no real material effect on the leftist movement. The leftist movement won't fail because some people listened to a podcast and then didn't trust Syria enough. If Robert Evans went full on interventionist tomorrow all that would happen is some breadtube videos and shitposts. Then we'd all forget about it. I think Chapo has a larger audience than Evans and would be a better means to spread propaganda. If the CIA's success depends on BTB then that's great news for us. This whole revolution thing will be a lot easier. I think Evans has useful information regardless of what he thinks about Syria or China or Bolivia. So I'm gonna keep writing off these criticisms. I'm gonna keep saying he's not an agent. When some goober posts one of the same three twitter screenshots of his we can have this conversation again, just like I already had it before. Podcasters aren't the movement. They aren't even thought leaders. They're themed infotainment at best. AM talk radio for the internet.

                  • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
                    4 years ago

                    What a shock, another "woke" figure ends up just being another spook/non-profit ghoul!

                    This is why we relentlessly bully and exclude PMCs, folks. No exceptions!

                    • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                      4 years ago

                      Honestly I don't have anything against CN. I never listened to it. But I've had people on here criticize other podcasts for ties with the deepstate then say CN is good. It took two minutes of googling to find this. Either everyone is a spook or nobody is. I'm not putting up with this "my fav podcast is legit but everyone else is an op" shit. Personally I don't care. Nobody I've listened to has steered me away from the left, or steered me into passivity, or did anything particularly spooky. Other than make money doing their job. If a group of podcasts brings down the leftist project then we deserve it.

                        • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                          4 years ago

                          It doesn't matter. Will, Brace, or Robert being CIA does not chang anything. People are trying to shame others over listening to a podcast because the host has bad opinions. But bad opinions isn't enough to actually change anyone's mind. So then we have to do this thing where it's "well you're enjoying imperialism and endangering the left if you listen to them." Just like the libs roll out idpol on a dime when someone does a wrongthink. And because some people's entire interaction with politics is twitter screenshots on chapo.chat, they think that matters. They think saying dumb things on twitter is carrying out imperialism. There's a screenshot on the front page laughing at a lib for saying tweeting is violence, but then we have people who think tweeting is carrying out the mission of imperialism. It's the same shit. Worse than that, they don't even know what was actually tweeted, but they heard it from reading comments on chapo.chat or r/cth. So now we're full simulacrum and it gets blown up. All it really boils down to is petty infighting between tendencies.

                      • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
                        4 years ago

                        I enjoy all of the podcasts I've mentioned and listen to them regularly. They're still spooks.

            • bilb [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Will’s grandpa was a rat/traitor in the 1950s.

              Unless working with the FBI is hereditary I don't know what the implication of this is.

              Brace was in Syria negotiating arms deals with the Kurds (“an American punk/drug addict who discovered Marx in rehab” is a laughably transparent cover story).

              Maybe? Stranger things have happened.

              Tom Sexton worked for the Clinton Foundation.

              I don't know anything about this guy or Trillbillies tbh, but having worked for the Clinton foundation in the past doesn't mean anything. What did he do for them?

              Everyone else is friends they’ve met/recruited.

              A few vaguely suggestive statements about some people and everyone associated with them is a spook? That dog won't hunt. A professional network of cross promoters doesn't require proposing a government agency's involvement to explain.

              Most of them use the same agent/manager (James something I think, Nick has let his name slip on Cum Town episodes) who I imagine is kind of like the mission overseer.

              I can't find any information about this. What else do you know about it?

              I'm not saying that what you're asserting is impossible and I keep an open mind, but if this is a good summation of the "evidence" then I'm not at all convinced.

              • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
                4 years ago

                Unless working with the FBI is hereditary I don’t know what the implication of this is.

                That he has family connections to the Deep State! Yes, a lot of this shit is "hereditary" via nepotism.

                A professional network of cross promoters doesn’t require proposing a government agency’s involvement to explain

                No, but the sudden rise to fame along with the things I mentioned earlier absolutely fucking glows in the dark. The media coverage around Brace in Syria and around Chapo when they launched is extremely suspicious and feels astroturfed

            • FaZe_oswald [any]
              4 years ago

              will's grandpa was a spy for the soviets wasn't he?

              • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
                4 years ago

                And? What is that supposed to demonstrate?

                Dog, who do you think he was negotiating for/representing? The shadow KGB?

                  • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
                    4 years ago

                    "Investigated" motherfucker they're not just going to not have a dossier on an extremely famous asset! It would be extremely suspicious if there wasn't a "file" on someone who is literally famous for his undercover CIA work, across the media

                    You realize that the YPG is CIA funded, right?


                    Published ~6 months before weird Twitter user "PisspigGrandad", a destitute addict in San Francisco, somehow managed to just head on over to a warzone and enlist with a USA backed rebel group...

        • EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
          4 years ago

          part of the reason they nuked the subreddit is that the hosts hate the sub and vice versa.

          No, it isn't.

        • Abraxiel
          4 years ago

          So what's the op doing?

          • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
            4 years ago

            Bryan is just some guy that Menaker knows from Twitter, and they recruited him and Brett.

              • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
                4 years ago

                Yes, and it was a complete joke until CIA operative Will Menaker used a guest appearance as an "organic" launch to his own media group.

                  • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
                    4 years ago

                    They're part of a general distraction that is the "dirtbag Left". Basically Pied Pipers for young would-be radicals

                    • weshallovercum [any]
                      4 years ago

                      Bro nothing online matters. Go out in the real world and see how hard actual leftist work is. You get fired if you try to unionize. You get on the list if you try to form a militia. Thats why people dont do anything effective in the real world. We live in an autocratic dictatorship ruled by capital. So the idea that a dumb podcast is responsiblle for this situation is pretty dumb. Yeah the majority of Chapo listeners are dumb DemSuccs. So what? Do you think without them they would have been hardcore Stalinists? Why dont you start your own entertaining podcast that maintains ideological purity and ensures correct application of Marxist thought so that the youth arent corrupted?

              • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
                4 years ago

                Yes. They were a bunch of nobodies failing at radio until some CIA spooks on Twitter reached out to them

  • Qelp [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago


    hey guys whats up i hid a bagel in one of the bushes behind ur building first one to find it gets to eat it :3

  • 420sixtynine [any,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Maybe we should post it to an r/conspiracy or whatever the popular conspiracy sub? we probably don't want to get trueanon banned lol

    • PowerUser [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Just remove the references to leftism and find some chyna link, they'll be all over that