
I haven't even gotten into any real arguments recently, it's pretty obviously from that post.

    • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      He advised some federal agents on 4chan and 8chan years ago. Stop playing a game of telephone with the facts.


      Can you point to the articles that say how the Soviet Union was bad, China bad, Stalin sucks, and how awesome the military is? Or can you only point to some bad twitter takes that you wouldn't have even seen if some other exasperated poster pointed it out? Have you asked yourself what you're upset about? Evans is 100% a spook because you heard from a guy who quoted a guy who posted about how one time something happened with feds. And you saw a twitter screenshot. But a guy who's VP of a company who works with the Clinton Foundation and other obvious fronts for the deepstate is just a low level coffee boy. Absolute mental gymnastics because a lib anarchist insulted tankies. And anyone who says dumb shit about tankies must be a CIA agent and not just wrong.

        • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
          4 years ago

          No, it’s more about them doing propaganda and intel work against official US enemiew, regardless of ideology.

          So you're not mad at RE for personally writing propaganda and intel work against US enemies, you're mad that someone else does it. If the company he works for does it, an RE is accountable for that then the other guy is responsible for what his company does too.

            • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
              4 years ago

              He's talking about when he went overseas to Syria and Ukraine. When you travel to do conflict journalism, the US military is there. And that's probably why he has more of a gray view on the military than we do. A soldier never protected me. He's been in a firefight. While you can criticize his inability to be more objective about that, it's not indicative of him being a fed. Once again, this game of telephone stuff. People reading without context and then making assumptions. Just like how all his detractors here are convinced he's writing all this propaganda for Bellingcat about how US imperialism is cool and good when all he's written is shit on neo-nazis. But because they heard he made a jab about the USSR once in his podcast and he said something bad about tankies on twitter, he must be ascribed with a set of attributes by those scorned. Nuance doesn't exist when you insult a ML. And you're taking him praising his coworkers about the work on white supremacy. What am I gandering?

              He got in a shit fight with Ben Norton on twitter? So what?

              Edit: https://twitter.com/IwriteOK/status/1287951202735370241?s=20

              Literally explaining what that tweet you pointed out meant. You should take a gander with me.

                • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  And all of this is a diversion from you having to defend your claims about all of those other podcasts being full of spooks. Do you have anything to say about any of that, or are you just going to keep honing in on this one tweet?

                  You brought up the tweets. And as I just pointed out in another post, you don't understand what I was doing this whole time. You and a select few are absolutely obsessed with Robert's twitter because that's all you have to cling to. Because working for someone is brainwashing leftists. And taking an unpaid consultant job to teach law enforcement about neonazis on the internet is working with feds to shoot protesters. And saying Assad gassed someone isn't just a wrong thing people say all the time, but it's actively and knowingly or being a useful idiot for imperial propaganda. Literally all this is said on twitter. A fucking psyop of a website in itself.

                  Read the full context next time before jumping in a thread.

                    • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
                      4 years ago

                      Didn't you just say

                      The content of BTB, even if you were to listen uncharitably, is fine 99.999999% of the time. Yes, that’s true, and it’s also irrelevant.

                      So is his podcast relevant or not. A minute ago it was bellingcat that's the op, not him or his podcast. Did you just look that up? Surely you didn't.

                      Also why are you editing your first posts after these latest posts? What you trying to pull?

      • Abraxiel
        4 years ago

        I appreciate your dedication to applying consistent standards while everyone projects a position onto you. I think.