• marsxyz [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Reminder that communist parties are banned in the baltic states. Democracy but you only can choose between different shades of neolibs

  • anaesidemus [he/him]
    4 years ago

    That murderer of communists is none other than the Mad Baron, Ungern von Sternberg, yes, the Mongol meme guy made famous in Kaiserreich.

    even in that game they have downplayed him in recent patches, no second genghis khan possible IIRC.

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    All those countries are fascist shitholes that the second the Communists were thrown out of power they were back to having marches for their fascist collaborators.

    In Black Shirts and Reds Parenti points out how the Estonians wouldn't allow 40 percent of the population who were ethnic Russians vote in the restoration of capitalism. An apartheid totally ignored in the West

    The overthrow of Eastern European and Soviet communist governments was cheered by many left intellectuals. Now democracy would have its day. The people would be free from the yoke of communism and the U.S. Left would be free from the albatross of existing communism, or as left theorist Richard Lichtman put it, “liberated from the incubus of the Soviet Union and the succubus of Communist China.”

    In fact, the capitalist restoration in Eastern Europe seriously weakened the numerous Third World liberation struggles that had received aid from the Soviet Union and brought a whole new crop of right-wing governments into existence, ones that now worked hand-in-glove with U.S. global counterrevolutionaries around the globe.

    In addition, the overthrow of communism gave the green light to the unbridled exploitative impulses of Western corporate interests. No longer needing to convince workers that they live better than their counterparts in Russia, no longer restrained by a competing system, the corporate class is rolling back the many gains that working people have won over the years. Now that the free market, in its meanest form, is emerging triumphant in the East, so will it prevail in the West. “Capitalism with a human face” is being replaced by “capitalism in your face.” As Richard Levins put it, “So in the new exuberant aggressiveness of world capitalism we see what communists and their allies had held at bay” (Monthly Review, 9/96).

    Having never understood the role that existing communist powers played in tempering the worst impulses of Western capitalism, and having perceived communism as nothing but an unmitigated evil, the left anticommunists did not anticipate the losses that were to come. Some of them still don’t get it.


    Peter Cohen who is a Swedish Communist wrote a fantastic book in the last decade titled (can be read here) The Capitalist Holocaust

    In it he goes through the changes in Eastern Europe that are happening but not shown anywhere in Wester media (well Hungary and Poland are a bit now).

    Within a decade of capitalist restoration all these bastards from Latvia/Lithuania/Estonia/Poland and Ukraine now celebrate the veterans of their Nazi collaborators and local SS divisions

    • albanianbolshevik [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Thanks for this book comrade. I will study it.

      Btw, i saw a little your post history, thank you very much for defending our europeansocialists sub, much appreciated.

    • Slurry [any]
      4 years ago

      The USSR tortured and murdered Estonians and Latvians during it's half-century rule. Modern Estonia and Latvia have a large, aggressive, local power next door, with a recent history of massacre and genocide. And a longer history of imperialism towards it's neighbours. That's why Finland still has national service. Communism has a different meaning & history.

      • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        The USSR tortured and murdered Estonians and Latvians during it’s half-century rule.

        These the Estonians and Latvians that collaborated with Nazi Germany? The ones that are being honoured by current day fascist governments in Latvia and Estonia who have outlawed Communist parties and pursued a racist policy toward ethnic Russians?

        • Slurry [any]
          4 years ago

          The ones that were repressed by the Soviet invasion, then repressed by the Nazi invasion, then repressed again by the Soviets? Yeah them. Put down the political essays and pick up a history book.

          • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            citation needed

            The only repression eastern europe got was people like Ungern Khaan

            Who incidently modern day fascist Estonia is raising money for

