I'm sorry if this seems like a dumb question, but my history education was severely lacking and there is a lot I don't know

From what I understand, the US and Russia are both capitalist but they both oppose each other, while there seems to be greater cooperation between the US and EU + Britain. Why's this the case? I would extend this question out to China but from what I understand from the struggle sessions is that we don't fully know yet where China stands (feel free to correct me)

Again I'm sorry if this all sounds dumb, I'm very ignorant of history and of the world outside the US

  • quartz [she/her]
    4 years ago

    The gangsters that Amerikka rigged the election for against the communists didn't turn out to do everything the western boug wanted, and took the opportunity to enrich themselves rather than their western masters. I think they were hoping for some other gangsters more tenable to building a puppet state, or something, also.

    Anyway, they turned Russia into their own playground instead of turning it over. They're mad that those gangsters have the riches, rather than their gangsters.

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      They’re mad that those gangsters have the riches, rather than their gangsters.

      Many of those Russian billionaires have investments in the US too. They buy up million dollar penthouse suites and apartments all in the big east coast cities and drive investments here.

      America is as much of their playground to exploit and stack their pockets with riches, just as it is back home for them in Russia.

      Check out American Greed sometime. There are constant episodes of moron bankers and other billionaires who get involved with Russian oligarchs who do business in the US and have same interests. AG is also a fun show as it proves how stupid some of these capitalists are with getting busted by having this attitude that they don't care if they get caught.