I'm sorry if this seems like a dumb question, but my history education was severely lacking and there is a lot I don't know

From what I understand, the US and Russia are both capitalist but they both oppose each other, while there seems to be greater cooperation between the US and EU + Britain. Why's this the case? I would extend this question out to China but from what I understand from the struggle sessions is that we don't fully know yet where China stands (feel free to correct me)

Again I'm sorry if this all sounds dumb, I'm very ignorant of history and of the world outside the US

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They're competitors on the stage of world superpowers.

    Russia really has been turned into a capitalist wild wild west since the 90s. Over 30% of ALL the country's wealth is owned by just 110 billionaires. So many towns and cities across the country that used to have industrial factories and jobs just sit there rotting away in existence. Nostalgia for a return of the USSR is real by the common people and makes complete sense; everyone had a job, housing and food on the table back then. The "economic liberation" was just capitalists coming in and robbing the country blind. The government there is no better than the US at serving the interests of the ruling class. It always makes me laugh to see Putin made out to be some James Bond villain when in reality, he's just a puppet for their ruling class the same way US presidents are.

    In terms of conditions, America is starting to resemble that. We have tons of de-industrialized small towns and places just rotting away in decay and poverty. All the big jobs now are in tech or in big cities on the east coast while the rest of the country rots away.

    But not to get off topic; they oppose each other for being competitors. There is no unity on the world stage. None of the big superpowers really want to work together cause they all have their own interests they are pushing for.