Good night libs 😂

  • TillieNeuen [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I've admitted before that I at one point in my life, I had some TERF-y opinions. I felt bad about it, educated myself, and stopped being a jerk. I have to say that when I saw the Contrapoints videos on TERFs, I recognized a lot of the things she said about them as opinions I used to have, and I think that the way she responded to them was really effective. Granted, at the point I saw it, she was preaching to the converted--and I was pretty convertible anyway, since I went out looking to convert myself because I felt bad about what I was thinking. I was a lib then (well, I still am of course. I'm here, aren't I?), and I knew I should be an ally but I wasn't feeling it. So anyway, she's not our Revolutionary Goddess, and if you expect her to be, you're going to be disappointed. But I do think she serves a purpose on the pipeline.

    On a related note, if you're trying to talk to a TERF in your own life and you'd like a window into the wretched mind of a TERF, I'm willing to be transparent about how I used to think and approaches you might take to be persuasive.