Good night libs 😂

  • foxodroid [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Even if he didn't discuss the difference the "focusing on Israeli crimes alone while not being Palestinian or Jewish can be a sign of antisemitism" is objectively a bad take. All that does is smear BDS allies and make people afraid to stand up for Palestine. A criticism of a state is only bigoted if

    a) it's a fabrication meant to dehumanize them, their race, or religion's adherents. For example Iran used armies of children to clear our land mines by stepping on them.

    b) it's a reasonable criticism used to support racist or fascist ends. Like saying Sharia law is bad for women and LGBT people therefore if Iran votes wrong we're entitled to nuke it, à la Sam Harris.

    One of my favorite things Michael Brooks said was when he responded in a Q&A that “So it’s not a complex issue, that’s the big thing, super simple”

    God i miss Michael so fucking much. Why did he have to go so young.