Eh it was fun enough to get me thinking about rewatching avatar.
I remember the dialog being awful in that movie though I’m surprised they just totally gloss over that.
One thing I will say is that this ep solidified in some people what I’ve felt for awhile - Felix is not the best chapo and virgil’s sardonic wit is sorely missed.
Felix is the family guy of left twitter - “everyone shut up so Felix can painfully adlib some weird adjectives in front of this obscure references for 3 minutes, there’s like a 30% chance it’ll be hilarious”
Eh it was fun enough to get me thinking about rewatching avatar.
I remember the dialog being awful in that movie though I’m surprised they just totally gloss over that.
One thing I will say is that this ep solidified in some people what I’ve felt for awhile - Felix is not the best chapo and virgil’s sardonic wit is sorely missed.
Felix is the family guy of left twitter - “everyone shut up so Felix can painfully adlib some weird adjectives in front of this obscure references for 3 minutes, there’s like a 30% chance it’ll be hilarious”
"Yeeeah, it's liiike [...] [...] [...]"
he used to be on a mega hot streak of funny bits
He now sits on a throne of hubris and expectation.
the only cringe dialogue imo is "i see you"