Post your thoughts here. How are y’all liking Cyberpunk?

  • clover [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I dig it. Seems like the solid RPG I was hoping for so far.

    It's a bit buggy, but it's chugging along fine and is gorgeous even on medium settings. I'm sure the worst of it will be ironed out with patches in the coming days/weeks (1 upbear = 1 prayer for the staff). Other than the flashing shit, the most frustrating part of the game has probably been unresponsive looting/interactions. Besides that, I think I really need to slow down because the game is incredibly dense right from the get-go. It feels like the way to really immerse yourself is to take your time with everything.

  • BookOfTheBread [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'll let you know in 2 years when I finally get around to playing it and most of the bugs are fixed.

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Did they keep the cutscene in that causes seizures? For that reason alone, I'm not touching that game with a 10 foot pole.

    • clover [she/her]
      4 years ago

      There's a warning in the beginning of the game now (lol), and I think they're going to be patching the effects out or adding some kind of toggle.

      Also apparently its not just one cutscene - it comes up again and again in different situations. I just got through the big one I saw people talking about and could see the flashing through my fucking eyelids. Good thing I paid attention to the warnings because that kind of stuff triggers debilitating migraines for me, and that scene would've done it for sure.

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 years ago

        They give me migraines too. It's what I fear with playing a game like this. It's a wonder I can play newer Doom wads with all the advanced colored lighting and flickering.

  • Canama [he/him]
    4 years ago

    with big rpgs i usually only ever do 1 playthrough so i'm waiting for the expansions to come out

    so ask me in like a year

  • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Trying to play it through Linux Proton but I'm playing Nomad and whenever I get the iguana out of the box and shake the dude's hand it goes to a cutscene that doesn't show and then my computer crashes. Hoping for a fix by Friday or atleast anybody else reporting the same issue :/

      • TheCaconym [any]
        4 years ago

        Oh its actually starting and running under proton?!?

        Yes it is; both for AMD and nvidia cards (though with lesser performance and more instability for the later). There are also sound issues no matter your card - you can't ear radio, ambient dialogues and the like. The fact it's running near perfectly on day 1 is a very good sign though - I wouldn't be surprised if all those issues are fixed / bypasses are found for them in a matter of days.

          • TheCaconym [any]
            4 years ago

            Looks like it’s working better on AMD cards

            Yes, for now at least (and runs very close to Windows in terms of perfs). Still playable on nvidia but with less performance, and you might experience the occasional GPU crash.

  • threshold [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Kneau seems unbelievably cool, I'd love to hang out with him, he deserves love and happiness, but for me he's only done 4 good performances. Bill & Ted 1/2, Always be my Maybe and John Wick 2.

    How is his acting in this?

    • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I haven’t started yet but I’ve heard it’s bad.

      Very stiff and actor-who-doesn’t-do-voice-acting-y.

    • EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I think it's good but I don't really have a refined sense for it. Also, he is very much not your character's friend.

  • deadtoddler420 [any]
    4 years ago

    I wanted to get it but have lost all desire today. It just doesn't seem finished and I'm too impatient to put up with a bunch of bugs in a game that has a major stealth element to it.

    I've been having a lot of fun with Control, only through 3 of the 10 main missions but it's great. Makes me wish Remedy would do a Metroid game.

    • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I really like the the idea of Control but I wish it was less punishing even on easy mode.

      If it didn’t have the Dark Souls check pointing I think I could play it.

        • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
          4 years ago

          My issue with Control isn’t that it’s nonlinear, but I’m bad at the combat and dying sends you back really far.

          If dying just made me restart the room I was in, I would definitely finish it.

      • deadtoddler420 [any]
        4 years ago

        I turned on aim assist and aim snapping. On console there just was like none of it, which was really jarring. It's maybe a little too easy with it on, but I also have only died like once or twice with it on.

        As for Dark Souls style checkpointing, it doesn't really have that. You lose a small bit of stuff after death but it's not nearly as punishing. I get how it can seem like that at first though.

        • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I’ll try it again with some of those adjusted settings. I am pretty uniquely bad at shooting in games.

          I don’t mind losing some of the goodies when I die as much as getting sent back to the last room I made normal(don’t remember what the game calls it). So when I said dark souls I was thinking more about respawning at bonfires.

          When my biggest challenge is the combat, it just feels too punishing to lose 3 rooms of progress because I died in the room that becomes a new checkpoint once I clear it.

        • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Like where/how often the game makes a checkpoint that you’ll respawn at when you die.

    • Torenico [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Skyrim probably still has the same bugs it had when launched.

  • amnesiac1111 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I bought it for the og xbox one and I think I got owned. It looks really shitty and is laggy. The controls also suck, and aiming and shooting feel really bad. I feel like im squinting at the game the whole time even tho i'm not, it kind of gives me a headache.

    • Randomdog [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Honestly I feel like the last gen console versions are bad enough that you should try and refund that version and buy it for Stadia instead.

      • amnesiac1111 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I played a couple hours today and enjoyed it. I think I got used to the clunky controls and stuttery graphics. Pretty cool game underneath that, I spent some time just exploring the city and had fun.