It makes me so mad/sad that this is the modern reality for relationships. At the same time my self esteem is skyrocketing because of all the likes like a casino with bright lights and big numbers but the whole thing feels cheapened. I know there's more valid reasons to this besides the fact that idk how to text matches but I'm blanking

  • threshold [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Every woman I've talked to has talked about being approached romantically by total randoms in public and how this is deeply uncomfortable and scary. This will still happen, but creating an app where consent (well, not consent, but interest) is created from the outset (ie two people have to agree before socially engaging) , I think that's a neat concept. I know there are huge date rape scandals about people who meet online so obviously it's not perfect, but I dunno, as a man who's afraid of talking romantically to people in person I think it's cool.